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Chapter 2192

Jasmine was a Wiltspoonian. Her family had become rich because they were relocated to make way

for development in the past.

“I don’t want to eat in a hotel, but heading home is a bit of a distance. I’m hungry.”

Josh asked, “Isn’t the car stocked with your favorite snacks? Didn’t I tell you to keep some snacks you

like in the car? You can eat some of it whenever you head out and not let yourself go hungry.”

“I don’t leave the house much lately aside from going to the bookstore, so I didn’t prepare any snacks.”

“We can pop by a supermarket later and buy some food for you. Let’s have lunch at your house. It’s


The Buchams’ house was quite a distance from York Corporation.

However, the Soxes’ home was considered nearby.

“Okay,” Jasmine replied happily.

She preferred returning to her house to have her mother’s home-cooked food rather than the exotic,

expensive food she would have for every meal in her in-laws’ house.

She found it utterly delicious and delightful, even if it were simple food like pasta and salad.

Upon hearing Mr. and Mrs. Bucham’s words, the bodyguard drove the car toward the Soxes’ house.

On the way there, Jasmine suddenly lamented, “Seren’s much more fortunate than I am. She has a

man who truly understands her and in-laws who are open-minded.”

When Josh heard those words, he sat straight and turned to look at his wife. He asked cautiously, “Am

I lacking in any aspect, dear? Please point it out. I’ll rectify my mistakes immediately.

“I understand you well too.”

If one were to mention the happiest young women in Wiltspoon, it would undoubtedly be Jasmine and


Josh was nervous by Jasmine’s sudden words. He thought about which aspect he was lacking

compared to Zachary.

Jasmine touched her stomach. It was not huge yet, but it was apparent that she was a soon-to-be


“Even after Seren’s pregnant, Mr. York wouldn’t confine her to the house to care for the fetus. He

understands her and knows that she isn’t one to sit still despite being pregnant. Seren will only do

nothing and waste time like me if the doctor orders her to rest at home.”

Josh said, “You aren’t doing nothing. Haven’t you been going to the bookstore to manage it every day?”

Jasmine was at a loss for words.

Josh held her hand. He said with a smile, “I won’t stop you from doing anything you want. I’ll satisfy you

even if it means I have to withstand my mom’s anger.

“My mom doesn’t allow you to be out of the house. However, didn’t I still allow you to go to the

bookstore even after getting scolded by my mom for days?

“Don’t overthink. I’m just worried for you. In my opinion, pregnant women require their husband’s love

and company the most.

“Therefore, I stopped attending business engagements to get off work on time and head home tonovelbin

accompany you. However, I disagree that women work daily even after they’re pregnant. It can’t be

helped. My wife doesn’t have to do that.”

Jasmine pressed her lips together. She said, “It’s not that I’m ungrateful. I just wish that you could

support me in whatever I want to do, just like before I got pregnant.”

Her in-laws were great, but they were too obsessive over the baby in her stomach. They would rather

she lie on the bed every day without heading out and be a missus who only had to be served.

“Of course I’ll put the baby first before anything. I’ll never do anything that’ll harm the baby or myself.”

Serenity would definitely do the same too.

Josh understood Jasmine’s thoughts. He kissed the back of her hand and said dotingly, “I guess my

family has given you a lot of pressure. They’ve restricted you too much. I’ll talk to my parents tonight to

loosen up their restrictions. I married you in hopes of us growing old together. I want you to be happy


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