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Chapter 2144

Amelia chased after Edwin.

Before Edwin got into his car, he said to his wife, “Talk to your daughter. Does she want to continue to

be a homewrecker and bear the stigma for life, or does she want to maintain the status quo? Tell her to

think carefully before telling me. Don’t contact me until she thinks it over and makes a decision. I’ll

pretend that she’s not my daughter.”

Amelia was speechless.

Edwin told the driver to drive.

Soon, he left his own home.

Amelia went back into the house helplessly and felt her heart break when she saw her daughter crying

silently on the sofa.

She walked over, poked her daughter’s head, and scolded, “Jenna, how did your father raise you to

be? How could you do something like this?

“It’s Mr. York from Wiltspoon, right? He’s a very good man, but no matter how good he is, he already

has a wife. If you pursue him and send indecent photos to his wife, then you’re destroying their

marriage. You’ll be called a homewrecker.

“Jenna, you’re a great girl. There aren’t many here who can match your conditions. I know you’re

arrogant and look down on the average man. If Mr. York was single, your father and I would fully

support you if you tried to pursue him.

“However, he’s married, so don’t think about him anymore. Just give up on him. Your father and I have

loved each other all our lives and hate homewreckers the most. I don’t want to see you become one.

“If it was you, how would you feel about a homewrecker trying to take your husband? Wouldn’t you

hate her? Do you want yourself to become someone you hate?”

Jenna cried. “Mom, I just love Zachary. What should I do? I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him.”

“Don’t think about him. Stop thinking about him, and you’ll forget about him as time passes. Jenna,

listen to Mom and Dad. We have to lead righteous lives. We can’t live like gutter rats.”

“You know your father’s temper. If you remain stubborn, your father will indeed give all the family assets

to his nephew. Daniels Group belongs to our family. Are you willing to have the company handed over

to Alvin?

“Jenna, men aren’t a rare species. They aren’t unique. We don’t have to lose everything that belongs to

us for men. In fact, there are many excellent men here who are no worse than Mr. York.”

Amelia earnestly advised her daughter to stop thinking about a man who did not belong to her.

“Your dad also said that Mr. York doesn’t even deem you worthy to look at. In his eyes, his wife is the

best. Although I don’t know him, I’ve heard many stories about the couple. Men like him are devoted.

“Falling in love is a once-in-a-lifetime thing for him. It’s futile for others to try and squeeze in. Do you

think it’s worth losing everything you have now for a man who won’t even look at you?”

Jenna’s tears fell more ferociously.

She had an arrogant temper since she was an only child and her parents regarded her as the

successor of Daniels Group. She looked down on ordinary men.

She finally took a fancy to someone, but he was someone else’s husband.

She did not want to give up.

However, if she did not, she would lose everything, and if she had nothing, she still could not obtain

that man.

It would be losing on both sides. The loss outweighed the gain.

“Even if you lose everything, you still won’t get that man. Jenna, it’s not worth it. It’s really not worth it.”

Amelia drew some tissues to wipe her tears, then drew more for her daughter. “Your dad told you to

contact him after you’ve thought about it. If you don’t think it over, then don’t go back to the company.novelbin

“I’ve said everything that I have to say. Think it over yourself. To be honest, when I heard you were

going to become a homewrecker, I felt like a knife was stabbing my chest. My heart felt cold. It was

your father and I that failed to educate you.”

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