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Chapter 2003

As Serenity stared at Zachary, he bent to whisper by her ear, “Don’t look at me like that, Seren. I won’t

be able to resist kissing you.”

“Uncle Zak, what secrets are you sharing with Aunt Ser?” asked the little third-wheeler, neglected by

the adults, curiously.

Serenity pushed Zachary lightly. Zachary stood up and looked downward at the little third-wheeler. He

patted Sonny’s head resignedly and said, “Sonny, you really are a third wheel.”

“Uncle Zak, my name’s Sonny, not Third Wheel. I’m not a wheel!”

Serenity lifted her nephew with a laugh and walked toward Zachary’s car. As she walked, she smiled

and said, “You’re right. Sonny isn’t a third wheel. Your uncle was just teasing you.”

“Why does Uncle Zak keep calling me a third wheel, Aunt Ser? A wheel can spin quickly, but I can’t.

Uncle Zak’s talking nonsense.”

Zachary opened the door for Serenity like a gentleman. He said, “Yes. I was talking nonsense. Sonny’snovelbin

the most serious child who won’t spout nonsense.”

“I’m a good kid,” Sonny said seriously.

Therefore, he would not speak nonsense but always tell the truth. Truthful children were good children.

Zachary got into the car. After placing the bouquet, he took the child out of Serenity’s embrace and sat

him on his lap. He said gently, “Was it fun traveling with Aunt Ser, Sonny?”

“It was super fun. I had a good time with Laurence. However, Laurence knows much more than me. He

said he was in preschool. I want to go to preschool too, Uncle Zak. I want to learn lots of things to beat

Laurence the next time I see him.”

Laurence was better than him in self-defense. He was also stronger, ate more, and knew more than

him. Sonny felt he had lost to Laurence, so he had to work harder.

“School’s starting in a few days, and you’ll be able to go preschool, Sonny. I hope you won’t be making

a fuss about not wanting to attend school when that time comes.”

Sonny said with a serious face, “I won’t cry. Laurence said he didn’t cry, but his classmates did. He

would just watch other people cry.

“I won’t cry after going to preschool. I’ll watch the others cry too.”

Zachary smiled and said, “I’m looking forward to seeing if you really won’t cry and will be a good child.”

Sonny asked Serenity, “When can we travel again, Aunt Ser? Laurence said he could only visit during

long holidays. He normally learns self-defense from his instructor and goes to preschool.”

Serenity said, “It’s the same for you as well. I can only bring you to look for Laurence when you have a

long holiday. You should focus on studying when you’re supposed to study and play all you want when

it’s time to have fun.”

Sonny replied, “Oh.”

He did not know when the next holiday would come and thought he would be able to meet Laurence

soon. He promised himself to study hard and be better than Laurence after going to preschool.

Laurence mentioned he wanted to study medicine and learn many, many things.

“What does studying medicine mean, Aunt Ser?”

“Studying medicine means learning to become a doctor to save lives in the future. It’s a job of helping

the injured and rescuing those in need.”

“Laurence said he wanted to study medicine. Should I do the same?”

“You’re still young. If you like medicine when you’re older, you can choose to study it and become a

doctor in the future to save patients. You don’t have to compare yourself to Laurence in every aspect,

Sonny. You have your own strengths. There’s no need for comparison.”

Laurence would study medicine because his teacher and teacher’s teacher were genius doctors. As

their successor, he would have to be exposed to medicine at a young age. Moreover, he had the

responsibility to seek revenge and was under great pressure. He still had much to learn.

Not only would Laurence have to learn Lilian’s skills, but he also needed to master self-defense. After

getting a little older, he also had to learn business management. His birth family had many family

businesses, but they were all seized by his enemies.

If Laurence were not excellent enough, it would be hard for him to take back what belonged to him and

bring his enemies to justice.

The elders hoped he would take it slow and gather enough evidence. He could avenge his parents and

family by sending his enemies to prison with the help of the law.

They hoped he would not take an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. If he did, his hands would be

tainted with blood, and he would be ruining the rest of his life.

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