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Chapter 1879

After knowing who Serenity was, Dr. Carden said to her, “Mr. Callum is your brother-in-law, right? When

you go back, tell him that I’ll go treat his fiancée’s eyes after confinement, which lasts forty days.”

Serenity smiled and said, “I’ll definitely deliver your message, Dr. Carden. Callum has been looking

forward to it for a long time.”

Tim, who was holding his son at the side, had a rather dark expression.

When Lilian looked sideways at him, he pretended as if nothing was wrong and continued to indulge

their son.

The legendary doctor whispered to Laurence, “Boy, you have to inherit your teacher’s toughness in the

future. Don’t learn from your Uncle Tim to be afraid of your wife.”

Laurence called Jane Mama, and he used to call Tim Uncle Tim. Now that his teacher became his

uncle’s wife, he could not correct himself. As such, Lilian told Laurence not to correct himself and called

them whatever he wanted. If Uncle Tim dared to ignore him, he could tell her.

His teacher would find his Uncle Tim to settle accounts. She could make a rude person polite.

For this reason, Tim also complained about his wife not siding with him and siding with another man


Tim indeed came from a family known for being easily jealous. He got jealous for the smallest things.

He whispered and defended himself, “Sir, I’m not afraid of my wife. I love her. She has worked hard to

bear a child for me.”

The baby in his arms pouted his lips again.

Tim quickly coaxed him again, but the little one still cried.

He walked around the room holding his crying son. At last, he helplessly handed the boy over to the

legendary doctor, and the boy stopped crying.

The legendary doctor roasted Tim again, “Look at you, you can’t even hold a child. He cried because

you were holding him uncomfortably, and yet you keep blaming him for being a crybaby. When he

doesn’t cry, you imagine things and suspect that he’s not normal instead.”

“No, Clo-clo doesn’t cry. She’s so well-behaved,” Tim said instinctively.

Tim and Lilian were hoping to have a baby that behaved as well as Chloe. On the day their baby was

born, he did not cry much. He slept after he ate and only cried after he slept enough. Tim thought his

son would be better behaved than his nephew.

Who knew, the boy gradually became a crybaby too.

At this point, Tim and Lilian did not know what they would do in the future to avoid taking care of their

son who loved to cry. One would look for patients after her confinement to seem busy while the other

would hide in the office as much as he could and would only go home if he could not hide anymore.

The legendary doctor would become their savior. As long as he returned, the couple would do nothing,

causing them to be roasted by the legendary doctor to be the most irresponsible parents.

The legendary doctor said, “Clo-clo is a girl. She’s beautiful and quiet. Why didn’t you give birth to a

daughter then? Don’t despise my precious grandson. If you want a pretty and quiet baby, try for a

second child and see if you can give birth to a daughter. I can help you take care of her.”

He was unmarried all his life and treated his apprentice as his daughter, so Lilian’s children would benovelbin

his grandchildren. Now that he had a grandson, he also wanted a granddaughter. A granddaughter

would be fair, soft, and adorable.

When his grandchildren grew up, he would teach them medicine and self-defense. He would make the

other old farts jealous of him as his field would flourish.

Oh, there was also Laurence. The boy could not be neglected.

Jane and Serenity chatted with Lilian. This went on until Serenity received a call from her nana who

told her that Sonny had woken up and that he woke up crying and asking for her.

“Nana, I’ll be back soon.”

“Mm, come back soon. Sonny is crying and making a fuss.”

Sonny was usually very well-behaved. Given that he was making a fuss at the moment, it was probably

due to an unfamiliar environment.

“Lilian, Serenity and I will go back first. Have a good rest and tell us if you have cravings. We’ll have

someone bring them to you.”

Jane said to Lilian and then called out to Laurence, “Laurence, come with me, and don’t disturb your

teacher here. A new friend came to visit us. He’s about the same age as you.”

Laurence walked toward Jane and reached out his arms. After Jane picked him up, he said goodbye to

his teacher and asked Jane curiously, “Mama, who’s the new friend?”

“It’s Aunt Seren’s nephew, Sonny. He’s a cute little friend. Play with him when you’re home. He’s our

little honored guest, and you’re the little host. You should act like a host and treat your guest well.”

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