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Chapter 1871

‘Why is there a sound of a baby crying next to Serenity?’ Zachary wondered.

“Babe, you should go and get busy. I’ll be hanging up now. Just wait for me to go home.”

When Serenity heard her godson crying, she did not want her husband anymore and immediately hung

up the phone.

Serenity was in FC Manor at the moment.

She had acknowledged Jane’s children as her godchildren. In her words, she wanted to be blessed

with Jane’s good fortune so she could also be pregnant with a pigeon pair in the future, bearing two

precious ones at the same time and having a son and a daughter.

Serenity was afraid that Zachary could guess that she was in FC Manor, so she hurriedly ended the


Zachary guessed it indeed.

He sourly muttered to himself, “She went to FC Manor to see the kids. How could she not ask me

along? I miss my godchildren very much too.”

Zachary particularly liked his goddaughter.

That little one was very well-behaved and rarely cried. On the contrary, her brother cried all day and

was so noisy that it made others dizzy.

‘No wonder Nana always wanted a great-granddaughter. She must think that girls are quiet and well-

behaved, unlike boys who like to cry and are naughty,’ Zachary thought.

Ben also preferred girls over boys, so he doted on his precious daughter the most. During the babies’

sip and see shower, Zachary brought Serenity to Annenburg. The petty Ben refused to let Zachary

carry Chloe but let him carry Connor however long he wanted.

In the end, Zachary was only able to hold Chloe from Serenity, who carried her first, allowing him to

enjoy for a moment. The little girl was raised very well. She was fair, soft, and a little chubby. She was

so adorable that Zachary wanted to bite her a few times.

Of course, he dared not do that.

Ben and the other men of the Johnsons would fight him if he did.

“Does having a daughter make you so great?”

Zachary mumbled to himself again while reminiscing, “Seren and I will give birth to ten of them andnovelbin

make you jealous.”

He then had an imaginary exchange in his head that went with Serenity saying, “Do you take me as a

pig? Give birth to ten daughters? It’d be unexpected in your family if we manage to give birth to even

one daughter.”

Zachary would have replied, “...Honey, I was just boasting. I won’t make you give birth to ten children.

We’ll at most have three children, and if all three of them are sons, we’ll stop.”

It would be best to be like Jane.

Zachary left Liberty’s new store and went straight home. Without Serenity by his side, he did not even

have the mood to go out and play.

His friends said that he became a new person after his marriage. Putting aside the fact that he always

arrived late and left early, he did not gather with his friends on weekends anymore. Instead, he followed

Serenity around and turned into her tail.

Serenity, who was far away in FC Manor in Annenburg, did not know what Zachary was thinking. After

she ended the call with him, she hurried toward Jane and asked with concern, “He’s crying so hard. Is

he feeling unwell?”

“No, he’s just hungry. It’s time to feed them, but the formula isn’t ready. This boy is impatient, so he

started wailing.”

Jane held her son and coaxed him. The nanny had gone to prepare the formula.

On the other hand, Chloe was still lying in her crib with Sonny and Grandma May guarding her one on

each side. The elder and the kid looked at her without turning away.

Grandma May was seeing Chloe for the first time.

She was busy during the babies’ sip and see shower, and she was getting older, so she did not attend

the celebration. Nonetheless, she prepared gifts and asked Zachary and Serenity to bring them over to

the children.

Grandma May often heard Serenity talk about how adorable the babies were. She wanted to see them

and thought she was not too old, so she could still fly in a plane and go around.

When Grandma May saw the well-behaved Chloe at this moment, she cherished her very much. She

touched the little girl’s tender face from time to time and stuffed her finger into the girl’s palm, and the

girl would immediately grab it.

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