Salute To The General

Chapter 931 I Want The Special Medication Project
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Chapter 931 I Want The Special Medication Project

Seated in the driver's seat, Nathan was chatting with Penny as he slowly drove out of the research center's parking lot.Just then, a Porsche 718 zoomed past them, nearly colliding into them in its haste.Nathan frowned slightly as he wondered where the other driver was going in such a hurry.

Beside him, Penny suddenly exclaimed, "Hold on, isn't that Professor Hampton's car? Wasn't she on the phone when we'd left?Where's she going in such a rush? That's so dangerous! Don't tell me something has happened to her?”

Nathan did not respond as he stared at the rapidly vanishing Porsche.Abruptly, he received a phone call from Colin.

"Sir, something's happened! Jerry Barton, the second young master of the Barton family, has brought some men over with him toChanning. He severely injured the policemen in charge of guarding Tom and rescued him."

Furrowing his brows, Nathan asked, "Where is Tom Barton now?"

"On a plane, heading for Northania."

"So he thinks he can escape back to Northania? Fool. Bring him back!" he ordered coldly."Yes, sir!" Colin replied.

After he hung up, Penny queried, "What's wrong?"

Chuckling, he waved off her concern and changed the subject, "Just a small matter. Anyways, | think that Professor Hamptonmight really be in trouble. Receiving a phone call and then hurrying out like that is definitely strange. Maybe we should follow herto see what's going on?"

Penny was of the same mind. Grace was in charge of the special medication project and was an incredibly important person. Notrouble should befall her.

She nodded, agreeing, "Yeah!"Grace flew towards The Imperial Club as fast as she could.

She approached the entrance to the club, only to be stopped by several men in suits. "Apologies, miss. This is a private club andonly VIP members are allowed to enter.”

Grace answered coldly, "Jerry Barton told me to come!"Understanding dawned upon their faces. "Ms. Hampton, Mr. Barton has been waiting a long time for you. Please come with us."novelbin

The moment she entered the club, she saw more than a dozen men posted around the room imposingly. Sitting on a chairsmoking was Jerry Barton, with Bill standing beside him.

At last, her gaze landed on her father, who was kneeling by Jerry's feet.


She moved to help him up, only to find a katana blocking her way.

The bodyguard's voice was hard as he warned, "Don't come any closer!"

Terrified and angry, she looked at Jerry and demanded, "What do you want?"

Jerry sent her a smile, saying, "Your father owes me one billion. Pay off his debt and I'll let him go.”

At this, Anthony's head shot up and he choked out, "What? | thought | only owed you a hundred million?"Jerry's eyes chilled.


Grace screamed when she saw the katana flash downward.

Anthony saw a metallic glint before there was a sharp pain, as something warm splattered on the left side of his face. The nextthing he knew, his left ear flopped to the floor uselessly.

He wailed, "Ahhh! My ear!"Jerry's eyes crinkled into a smile as he asked, "Now, tell me again how much you owe me?"

" billion...| owe you one b...billion..." Anthony stammered out in fear.

Satisfied, Jerry turned to look Grace. "Ms. Hampton?"Grace's face was pale as she bit on her lip. "Just what do you want?"

"| want the special meds project thatyou're working on. A s0\ yaa GOU toyore Jetty uttered with asmirk. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Appalled, Grace protested in a quavering voice, "That's just wishful thinking!""Oh, really?"

He chuckled before looking at his bodyguard.

In response, the bodyguard lifted his katana again.

Scared out of his wits, Anthony yelledat his daughter, "Grace, just ag

| cogditidasllNe’s crazy! Please justsay yes!" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Tears trailed down her cheeks as she struggled for her next course of action.Finally, she opened her mouth, prepared to accept his terms.

At that moment, a frosty voice rathroughout th dopqna\Sddnt Agreetopisdeishas!" Please read the

original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Taken aback, everyone glanced in that direction to see Nathan and Penny entering.The person who had spoken was Nathan.

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