Salute To The General

Chapter 930 Call Your Daughter To See Me Now
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Chapter 930 Call Your Daughter To See Me Now

In a few short hours, Bill had paid off all of Anthony's debts, including the bank, the loan sharks, and many more. In total, it was awhopping hundred million.

From that moment forth, he captured the gambler and brought him before Jerry.

At 1,8m tall with a lean body, Anthony appeared to be quite a good-looking man. However, the way his eyes darted around with asly gleam in them, detracted from his attractiveness.

Taking in the sharp-eyed bodyguards in black suits standing around the area, Anthony's heart pounded in his chest.Bill spoke up, "This is Mr. Jerry Barton from the Barton family. He's already paid off all the money you'd owed."

Anthony stared at Jerry in surprise. While he did not know why the other man would help him, he would not look a gift horse inthe mouth.

Hurriedly kneeling before Jerry, he plastered a flattering smile on his face as he groveled, "Thanks a lot, Mr. Barton."

In response, Jerry's lips twitched upward. "Heh. You don't need to thank me just yet. | may have paid off the hundred million thatyou'd owed others, but now, you owe me that money. My interest is also a lot higher than the others."

Anthony was dumbfounded at his words. His tone held a hint of panic, as he cried out, "Mr. Barton, what is the meaning of this? |have nothing to my name! Even if you kill me, | wouldn't have any money to pay you back!"

Anasty smile curled Jerry's lips as he answered, "But you have a daughter! Call your daughter and have her come meet me. Ifshe agrees to my conditions then you won't have to return me the money. In fact, I'll even pay you another hundred million.However, if she refuses to see me or doesn't agree to my conditions, I'll have my men slowly cut you up and send pieces of youto her until she agrees. We'll start with your ears and nose, before moving on to your fingers and toes."novelbin

At his words, shivers raced down Anthony's spine, as his hairs stood on end.In the office of Hope Research Centre.Nathan and Penny were conversing with Grace.

Nathan was grinning as he announced, "Professor Hampton, from now on, the Q.Than project will be under Cross Group. Pleasecontact President Smith if you have any questions!"

Extending her hand with a smile, Grace chirped to Penny, “So you'll be our new boss now, huh? | hope we'll get along well in thefuture, President Smith."

Penny shook the other woman's hand before replying, "The success of Q.Than was my father-in-law's dying wish. It's all thanksto you and your team that we can fulfill his dream. | wish us a happy collaboration!"

“Likewise!”All of a sudden, Grace's phone rang.Apologizing, she pulled out her phone to check the caller ID.

When she saw that it was her father, her brows furrowed slightly. "Mr. Cross, President Smith, may | head outside to take thiscall?”

“Of course!" Nathan replied.

Penny chimed in, "If you havesomething else to, weanAns frst toni think we haveanything else to discuss anyway.”Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

With that, they bid their goodbyes and left.Shutting her office door, Grace answered the call.

Immediately, she heard her fatherbegging piteou lyn Grade your favetopava mhefPlease read the original

content at NovelDrama.Org.

Otherwise, they're gonna chop me.upinto pieces, deliveriqcriipremnainscarta your Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

The color drained from Grace's face.

Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.

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