Salute To The General

Chapter 923 You Dare Hurt Mr Tom
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Chapter 923 You Dare Hurt Mr Tom

Before Tom could come back to his senses, there was a flicker and Nathan was right before him.novelbin

His eyes narrowed and he blustered, "I'm the third son of the Barton family. You dare touch me?"

Nathan did not bother replying to him. His leg darted out again, landing two solid kicks on Tom's kneecaps.Crack! Crack!

With two loud crunching sounds, Tom fell to his knees as his face scrunched up in pain.

“Ahhhh!" he wailed in agony.

Nathan rumbled dangerously, Tve already told you this previously. The Barton family means nothing to me. If the police inJohnstone won't punish you, let's see if the police here in Channing will.”

The rest of Tom's men were still lost in their horror at Kyle's death.

It was not until Tom's kneecaps were shattered by Nathan did they regain their composure.

"Damn you!"

“How dare you hurt Mr. Tom!"

"You're a dead man!"

"Kill him!"

They yelled at him before pulling out their knives, prepared to charge at Nathan.

Just then, the loud sound of pounding feet rang out from outside the door. A powerful voice roared, "Everybody stop moving!"

Everyone's heads snapped to look at the door. The voice belonged to none other than Zed Walker, the chief of police of theChanning Police.

He was wearing a bulletproof vest with a gun clenched in his hands.

Behind him were scores of SWAT members, each fully equipped as they held their submachine guns in front of them. Theirexpressions were alert and cautious as they swarmed into the room.

When Zed entered the room with a bunch of SWAT members, the leader of the Barton family subordinates, a man with a beard,guessed that the other man was the Channing city head of police.

He strode forward and spoke to Zed arrogantly, "You guys got here just in time. We're from the Barton family. This is the thirdyoung master of the Barton family; he was injured by these criminals. | demand you arrest Nathan Cross and his band of thugsthis instant!”

The Barton family was one of the nation's eight most revered families. They had followers all over the nation and fingers in nearlyevery pie.

That was why in the eyes of the Barton family followers, all they had to do was say who they were and they could do as theywished. No matter if it were the underground, the police, the military, or the politicians, all had to show respect to the Bartonfamily. It did not matter which part of the nation they were in either.

Thus, the leader thought that Zed would be helping them and arresting Nathan's group in order to please the Barton family.

True to his expectations, Zed wassurprised to hear the Barton family \psnignedaroe@ hon the Bartonfarhily and this is the third youngmaster?’ Please read the original

content at NovelDrama.Org.

Beardie answered smugly whilepointing at Nathan, "That's right! Thisguy here beat akon Pouing indsterapuiatsd kited one of our men. |demand that you capture every singleone of them right this instant!" Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

At this, Penny began to panic.

Zed narrowed his eyes at the bearded man. Suddenly, he raised his hand and pistol-whipped the other man.Blood sprayed out and Beardie yelled in pain as he fell on his a**.

Everyone was dumbstruck.

Zed ranted angrily, "| don't care whatfamily you hail from; within myjurisdiction, evildoers will bepunished! You people came oeleeia roast and eveninjdred the security guards at CrossGroup. Mr. Cross was merelyprotecting himself from yourmalicious intentions toward him, yetyou have the audacity to shift theblame onto him? Men, arrest all theseb******s_ Shoot anyone who resists!”Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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