Salute To The General

Chapter 922 You Do Not Deserve To Call Me That
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Chapter 922 You Do Not Deserve To Call Me That

Previously, Nathan had only ever worn his military uniform in the army, giving him an awe-inspiring and formidable look.

Notwithstanding, it had been years since Kyle had seen Nathan and he had initially failed to recognize the casually dressed manbefore him.

It was not until Nathan had called out his full name and exposed him that he discovered that Nathan was actually the General ofthe North.

Despair and terror fought for dominance on his face as he stared at Nathan. Without realizing it, his body began to tremble.The menacing air around him vanished as he stuttered out, "It really is you, Ge..."

Nathan interrupted him in a harsh tone, "Don't call me that! Traitors don't deserve to address me as such. | had thought that youhad gone on to live a normal and peaceful life. To my utter disappointment, you're actually using your skills to do the dirty deedfor someone else. Tell me, how

many people have you killed in the past few years on behalf of the Barton family?"Kyle was shaking like a leaf in a breeze, while sweat drenched his body. He did not dare to utter a word.

Indeed, he had done more than his fair share of horrifying deeds in the past few years. Killing people was a common job for himfrom the Barton family.

It was solely due to the fact that he was powerful and decisive when it came to killing, that he soon rose to be one of the Bartonfamily's top three men.

Everybody present was stunned at how Nathan had reduced the fearsome Kyle into a quivering wreck, with a mere fewsentences.

Tom was so astonished that his eyes had nearly popped out of his head.

He bellowed, "Kyle, what're you doing? You normally don't hesitate when you kill.Where is that ruthless personality now?"

"Mr. Tom, I...I...H...he..." Kyle stammered while sweat dripped down his face.

Infuriated, Tom hissed, "I don't care what your relationship with him used to be! You're now the Barton family's subordinates, oneof my men. | want you to kill him immediately. Immediately!"

Nathan glanced between the two men before sneering, "Your master is ordering you to kill me. What are you waiting for? I'm onlygoing to make one move. If you can block it, I'll let you go once more!"

Judging from Nathan's tone, Kyle knew that he had no other choice now. He would only receive the chance to live, once he hadfought for his life.

He knew that Nathan was an honorable man who kept his promises. If he said that he was only going to do one move, then thatwas all that he would do.

Gripping his blade tighter, Kyle bit out through clenched teeth, "Sorry about this!"

With that, he lunged forward like a panther, his speed so fast that he became a blur.

Tom and his men cheered when they saw him in action, their blood rushing through their veins.This was the formidable Kyle they knew!

Before they could get too excited, Nathan had already moved.

He took a step forward and his leg lashed out in a kick.Thud!His kick accurately hit Kyle in the head.

In the next instant, the dagger mMdropped from kylgeiiestingerscantearig téthe floor. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Like a chopped tree, he collapsethe ground wit a{oudtitind. Pleaseread t6d bHdina content atnovelbin


He was dead.Tom gaped at the scene in amazement.

One of the Barton family's top threeelite subordinates, t ealenigki Kyle,ad fim) bre ick. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Holy crap, this Cross must be some sort of monster!

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