Salute To The General

Chapter 780 This Does Not Feel Safe
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Chapter 780 This Does Not Feel Safe

After a tiring day, Nathan and the others returned to Jade Hotel.

Sean announced that there would not be any more group activities that night so that the ones who wanted to rest could staybehind at the hotel. Those who still had energy could go out if they pleased. However, they still had a curfew of ten o'clock.

Penny had originally planned on resting in the hotel with Nathan, but Ferlyn came knocking on their door.

It turned out that Ferlyn had been watching a new TV series recently, and she had fallen in love with an actor named Cory Yale.She had heard about Cory having a live performance at Glyngarth Plaza and wanted to go. Not wanting to go alone, she washoping for Penny to accompany her.

Unable to refuse the other woman's pleas, Penny reluctantly agreed.

She then asked Nathan if he wanted to go too. Not having any interest in such an event, he shook his head and smiled. "Yougirls enjoy yourselves. I'll stay behind with Queenie so she can finish her homework."

As such, the two women left together.Dressed in a white Chanel dress with a pair of heels, Penny appeared elegant and beautiful, like a white swan.

Beside her, a heavily made-up Ferlyn was wearing a body-hugging T-shirt and hot pants. She, too, was tottering, on a pair ofhigh heels.

The moment two beauties as such stepped out of the hotel, they attracted a lot of attention from passers-by. It did not matter if itwere the dignified Penny or the wildcat-like Ferlyn, nobody could take peel their eyes away from them.

The women hailed a cab to get to Glyngarth Plaza.novelbin

Unbeknownst to them, Quinten and Achaeus of the Elite Eight were following them in a black SUV. They would protect the twowomen from afar.

Penny and Ferlyn arrived at the plaza just in time for Cory's performance.He danced as he sang, causing his fans to scream like madwomen, shouting out his name.

From where she stood beside the screaming Ferlyn, Penny frowned slightly. She had never really seen the point of chasing aftercelebrities. The only reason she was here, was to accompany her cousin.

In fact, she was really beginning to regret coming here because she really hated how noisy and crowded it was.

Finally, the performance ended.

Cory walked off the stage, conveniently passing across Penny and Ferlyn. When he caught sight of them, his eyes lit up.Smiling, he asked, "Good evening, ladies. Are you both my fans?"

Excited that her idol was speaking to her, Ferlyn fairly shouted, "Yes! Yes, | am! | love all your TV series!"

The smile on Cory's face widened. "Is that so? | really like getting to know my fans better. | have a fan meeting later at the HiltonHotel. Would you be interested in coming?"

"Yes, of course, we'll go!" Ferlyn answered, eyes gleaming.

Nodding, Cory uttered in a gentletone, "Alright. Head straight farpresidential suite tate Tal theskdlir guards there that I'd invitedyou and they won't stop you.” Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Okay!"With that, Cory was escorted out, by his security team.Eager to get over to the hotel, Ferlyn quickly freshened herself before preparing to leave.

Penny tugged her back and askeduncertainly, "Ferlyn, don't yo wineit's slight! inappropriate to meet arhale é& brity so late at night? Whydon't we forget about it and return?"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"But it's such a rare opportunity to be able to get up close and personal with my idol!" Ferlyn protested.Frowning, Penny replied, "I just feel like it's not very safe..."

Ferlyn rolled her eyes and scoffed,"What danger could there be? He’celebrity, not s merbed \Guy-/5dsHpUlabe Wore amazed at the factthat he doesn't think of us, asdangerous. How paranoid you are!”Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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