Salute To The General

Chapter 779 I Will Not Let This End Here
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Chapter 779 I Will Not Let This End Here

At the Cote family mansion in Moonlight Bay.

In the study was a rotund man with slicked-back hair, bushy eyebrows, and thick lips. Sausage-like fingers clenching a cigarette,Charlus Cote had a puzzled look on his face when he uttered, "What? The mysterious man who'd used ten billion to buy JadeHotel from us was Nathan Cross?"

Dressed in a butler's uniform, Simon Horton answered, "To be precise, it was actually Nathan's father, Zayn Cross."Charlus frowned. "Zayn Cross... As in the patriarch of the Northania Cross family?""That's him!" Simon nodded.

Sneering, Charlus muttered, "Here | was, saying that | was going to teach Nathan Cross a lesson. I'd planned on letting them gohomeless, in Glyngarth. Yet, that sly old fox actually hid his identity and bought over my hotel at such an exorbitant rate, just sohis son could have a place to stay. What a slap in the face! If only I'd known, | wouldn't have sold off the hotel!”

Simon shook his head. "We didn't know it was Zayn at the time. In addition to that, with the rate that he was willing to pay for it,any businessman would've signed the deal!"

"We might've earned some money, but we were humiliated in the process. | won't allow the father and son to run scot-free!"Charlus harrumphed angrily.

Timidly, Simon piped up, "Sir, the Cross family is one of Northania's aristocrats. Their influence is no simple matter. Do you thinkit's wise to butt heads with them?"novelbin

"| don't care how powerful Zayn is in Northania. In Glyngarth, my territory, they'll have to do as | say. If | say kneel, they'd betterask, for how long?"

Simon hastily nodded. "Yes, yes, of course! I'm certain that they wouldn't dare to provoke the Cote family once again.”

Temper abating slightly, Charlus changed the subject, "By the way, do my words carry no weight anymore? Why haven't thepolice released my son yet? How long do they intend on keeping him?"

"They'd informed me that they were originally going to detain him for ten days. However, for your sake, they've decided torelease him after twenty-four hours. He'll be out by tomorrow afternoon," the butler answered with a bitter smile.

Charlus exploded in rage, once more, "What the f***? The Crosses must've threatened the police. Otherwise, they would'vereleased my son ages ago! That father-son pair is dead!"

The next day, it started to rain heavily in the morning.This put a damper on everyone's moods, as their vacation plan was ruined.However, Glyngarth was an old city with plenty of ancient forts and buildings to visit.

Thus, Nathan and company meandered through the various buildings while holding umbrellas. It was certainly an interestingexperience.

In the afternoon, Stephen Cote was finally released by the police. He swaggered out of the police station, loudly cursing andswearing.

Awaiting him outside was a convoy of luxury cars.Aman in exquisitely done makeup was in the lead. This was one of the currently hottest celebrities... Cory Yale.

Cory approached Stephen, giving him a tight hug in greeting. There was a smile on his face as he teased, "Wow, dude, how didyou get yourself arrested?"

Cory and Stephen were childhood friends. Even though one was a famous celebrity, while the other was a notorious playboy,they still got along wonderfully and were constantly hanging out together.

Stephen's expression was broody as he huffed, "Don't remind me! | was played as a fool, by a bunch of outsiders. If it hadn'tbeen for my dad, I'd probably be detained for a couple more days!”

“How could that have happened with your family connections?" Cory exclaimed.Stephen growled, "That Nathan Cross b****** is so dead, now that I'm out."

Slinging an arm across his bestfriend's shoulders, Cory suggested,"Think about revenge later. | Daalive performance} alyhgarth Plazalater, akicHtequires me to sing acouple of songs. Can you believethey're paying me three million forthat? Anyways, after I'm done, !'llinvite a few female fans over and wecan have some fun. How about that?"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Having been in two trending TVdramas, he often used his image asthe main male lead to's uce itis Tisis Er aulsy saan with his fansS a common occurrence.Sometimes, he would even invite hisbest friends along, with Stephenbeing the most frequent choice.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Awicked smirk curled Stephen's lips as he agreed, "Sure. Remember to pick the prettier ones. | badly need to vent."Cory let a lecherous laugh. "Of course!

Ever since I'd starred in those two TVseries, all those USP ea ns think oFas.thpynalelead, oh themselvesas‘the lucky female lead. They're soeasy to trick!” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

The two young men continued to joke and chat, as they boarded one of the cars and left.

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