Salute To The General

Chapter 722 The Lane Family Of Northania
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Chapter 722 The Lane Family Of Northania

Jonathan's subordinates moved to drag Nathan away.However, just as they neared his unmoving body, Nathan's eyes flew open and startled the men."F***, Young Master Lane! This dude isn't sedated!”

Nathan straightened his back and glowered at the group of intruders. In a glacial tone, he said, "Judging from your accents,you're not from Southania. You came from Northania, didn't you? | bet Helen sent you; that vixen!"

Jonathan gaped at Nathan, utterly stupefied. Never had he expected Nathan to be alert and vigilant, let alone accurately guesstheir motives.

Even so, he quickly regained his composure as a sneer replaced his alarmed expression.

He evaded Nathan's question with a menacing laugh, "I originally planned a painless death for you. Oh well, since you tried tooutwit us by faking unconsciousness, you'll have to face the consequences!"

With that, Jonathan signaled his subordinates. "Dragon, Tiger, and Leopard, finish him!"The trio were brothers by blood, with Dragon being the eldest and Panther being the youngest.

They were notorious criminals from Northania who had no qualms about staining their hands with blood. They could kill withoutbatting an eyelid and were the epitome of cold-blooded murderers.

In their mission to eliminate Nathan, Jonathan had hired them as his hitmen.

The brothers swiftly followed Jonathan's orders and unsheathed their daggers. They approached Nathan from all sides to cornerhim, their sharp blades glinting ominously.

However, before they could get any closer, the door busted open from the force of a

firm kick.

Aman with unruly hair appeared at the doorway. Standing next to him was an emotionless man with short, white hair.

The newcomers were Thunderstorm and Waves.

Thunderstorm flashed them a wicked smile and scoffed, "How dare you offend Mr. Cross? You're digging your own grave!""Why are you wasting your breath on scum? Just kill them!" Waves cut his partner off impatiently.

The latter jumped into action the moment he had said his piece, his movements so fast that he became a blur.

Before the trio could react, Waves was already standing before them.


Waves landed a solid punch in Dragon's face.

The force from the hit left a huge indent in Dragon's face. His features had been severely mutilated, and his head resembled abloody, deflated beach ball. He toppled backwards due to the momentum and dropped dead before he could even cry out.

Roaring in anger, Panther and Tiger brandished their daggers.

Unperturbed, Waves reached out and grasped both of their wrists. He twisted both of their hands and mercilessly jabbed thedaggers toward their chests.

As expected of a skilled fighter, Waves' aim was true. The blades found their mark and sunk into the brothers' flesh.

They crumpled to the floor as life left their bodies.

Jonathan's face turned ghastly pale when he witnessed this scene.

At that moment, Thunderstorm materialized in front of Jonathan. "Kneel before Mr. Cross!" He ordered.

Just as he finished speaking, Thunderstorm swiftly threw two kicks at Jonathan's legs.

The sound of bones cracking filled the room, accompanied by an agonized wail as Jonathan fell to his knees before Nathan.

Nathan was helping a drowsy Penny to the table so that she could sleep more comfortably. When he heard Jonathan's cries, hisbrows furrowed. "Keep it down. Don't wake my wife up."novelbin

Thunderstorm glared at Jonathan. "Shut up! If | hear even a peep from you, I'll cut off your tongue!"

Jonathan's face was drained of all color. Perspiration beaded his forehead, and his features were twisted into a grimace.Despite the crippling pain, he gritted his teeth to prevent even a whimper from escaping his deathly white lips.Nathan loomed over Jonathan and asked unemphatically, "Now, are you ready to honestly reveal the person you're working for?"

"It's Madam Helen," Jonathananswered truthfully, his voice ormquivering oe be ignménse'pa n"She said S Zayn i is in a vegetativestate, so all of the Cross family'sassets are hers to manipulate.”Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"But she's worried you would returnto the Cross family and Vokesinheritance -sorghe én \me to

rhordér Na Jonathan blabberedwith no restraint to preserve his life.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Nathan nodded in understanding after he heard Jonathan's explanation. "This woman is playing with fire!"Jonathan groveled at Nathan's feet and pleaded, Tve told you all | know. Please let me live."Nathan replied coldly, "Answering my question will only lessen your torment. | never agreed to let you off."

At this, fury and trepidation surged through Jonathan. "You jerk!" He shrieked, "You dare kill me? Don't you know who | am? I'mfrom the Lane Family of Northania!"

“Furthermore, Madam Helen and | are in a relationship. If you end my life, the Lane Family and Madam Helen will come foryou..."

Nathan's gaze grew cold when heheard Jonathan's threats. HeniskedPenny u inhigaemsGiProssed andrdér Ver his shoulder as he left,"Thunderstorm, Waves, destroy theselowlifes." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

He had just stepped out the door when a sharp click sounded behind him. Jonathan Lane had been abruptly silenced, and thistime, for eternity.

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