Salute To The General

Chapter 721 Let Me Handle This Woman
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Chapter 721 Let Me Handle This Woman

The video conference soon ended, and Penny instructed the executives to return to their respective departments.

After they had left, she pulled out her phone and called Nathan, skepticism written plainly on her face as she asked, "Nathan,where are you now?"

Nathan's chuckle travelled through the receiver. "I'm at a friend's house. Why do you ask?”"Oh, | sent my car for repair, so | was hoping you could pick me up after work," Penny said to purposely test him."Sure!" Nathan agreed breezily.

Penny hung up the phone and plopped unceremoniously in her office chair. As she ruminated on the meeting earlier, the naggingsuspicion that Nathan was the chairman grew more prominent.

Not only did his hand resemble Nathan's, even the back of his head and the cigarette he smoked reminded Penny of herhusband.

Furthermore, when she recalled the air of secrecy that cloaked the chairman, his reluctance to show his face, and his huskyvoice, she was even more convinced that Nathan was indeed Cross Group's chairman.

Just as she was immersed in her thoughts, a knock on the door snapped her back to reality. The door creaked open to revealKylie, who was there to update Penny on the work progress.

Kylie noticed that something was off about Penny's expression and asked, "Is something wrong, Penny?"

At the sight of Kylie, Penny immediately exclaimed, "Kylie! Your timing is impeccable. You were at the video conference earlier.Do you think the chairman looks like your brother-in-law?"

In fact, Kylie shared Penny's sentiment. She had also noticed the uncanny resemblance between the new chairman and Nathan.

However, she chose to help Nathan bury this secret and shook her head to deny the claim. "I don't think so. Brother-in-law'svoice is a lot more pleasant than the chairman's hoarse voice. | would think the chairman is a middle-aged guy."

Penny's confidence wavered as she listened to Kylie's deductions.

After giving Penny a report of the current work progress, Kylie promptly left the room.

She had just exited Penny's CEO office when she ran into Nathan, who had just returned from his errands.Kylie approached Nathan and muttered a few words under her breath.

Nathan was stunned for a split second before smiling ruefully. He caught sight of a male employee walking towards the smokingarea and followed him, the smile still dancing on his lips.

In the CEO office, Penny was once again overwhelmed by confusion and perplexity. She was almost positive the new chairmanwas Nathan, but Kylie's words just now had planted seeds of doubts in her mind.

Gnawing on her lip, she fumed, "Nathan Cross, you'll suffer my wrath if | find out you've been keeping secrets from me!"

Speaking of the devil, the door swung open just as Penny finished lashing out. Nathan sauntered into the room and beamed ather. "Honey, are you done with work? Shall we grab dinner together?"

Penny beckoned Nathan over with a finger. "Nathan, come here for a second."

Nathan found the situation ridiculous but obeyed anyway. A laugh bubbled up as he approached his wife. "What's wrong?"Penny extended a hand and squinted her almond-shaped eyes as she demanded, "Let me see your cigarettes."

“What's wrong? Honey, you don't even smoke. Why do you want to look at my cigarettes?”

Enough with the dilly-dallying. Show it to

me right now."

Nathan feigned indifference as he pulled out a pack of Newsport cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to Penny. "Here yougo!”

Penny stared at the pack of cigarettes in her hand, appearing dumbfounded. Stumbling over her words, she asked, "N-Newsport? Don't you only smoke Carlboro cigarettes?"

Agentle curve formed on Nathan's lips as he said casually, "Yeah, it seems like my tastebuds have changed. I've taken a likingto Newsport recently, so | haven't been smoking Carlboro."

The mysterious chairman was smoking a Carlboro cigarette in the video conference, whereas Nathan carried Newsportcigarettes with him. Putting two and two together, Nathan Cross was not the chairman.

Penny felt a blush creep up her neck and color her cheeks. She internally admonished herself for harboring absurd thoughtsbecause of her cynical personality.

Nathan's eyes gleamed with amusement as he teased his wife, "Honey, why are you suddenly interested in the brand ofcigarettes | smoke?”

Penny passed the cigarettes back to Nathan and said loftily, "| don't like it when you smoke cigarettes that have a strong scent.Besides, cigarettes contain tar and can lead to lung diseases because, so it'd be best if you could quit smoking."

The couple exited the building andheaded to a Southern-style barrestaurant have uikaerinstead ofdual Fons They gotthemselves a private room and duginto their meal. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Penny ordered a jug of sour plum juice to go with the greasy barbecue they had ordered.

The two of them sipped on their drinks as they added meat to the grill.novelbin

Nathan picked up his glass and was about to take a sip when a strange smell wafted up to his nose. He frowned reflexively.“Nathan, I'm heading to the restroom."

Awave of dizziness slammed into Penny the instant she stood up. Her world seemed to spin, and she collapsed on the floorbefore passing out.

Nathan rushed to her side andexamined her conditio His paryes!sen pete ne he realizedS Sa fainted because their drinkshad been spiked. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Nathan smirked at the thought of a person who had the guts to commit such an atrocious act.

Ten minutes later, the door to the private room swung open without warning.

Jonathan barged into the room, flanked by his subordinates.

He glanced contemptuously at Nathan, who had slumped on the table. A malicious grin spread across his face

when he caught sight of Penny'smiserable figure on the floor. "Bri

the guy out thr yah theltiactdoor ofthe KitahehSii is throat and shovehim down the sewers," hecommanded his men. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

“As for the woman, I'll take care of her..." He leered at the unconscious woman and cackled lecherously.

Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.

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