Salute To The General

Chapter 634 The Eighteen Riders Of The North
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Chapter 634 The Eighteen Riders Of The North

Tyson quickly added, "I know that my son deserved it. He offended General Davis and was at the

mercy of Justice Payes. It's impossible to turn things around now that the sentence has been passed."

Elijah asked calmly, "Since you are not asking me to save your son, what are you here for?”

Tyson told him hatefully, "My son was given the death penalty by Justice Payes."

"The man behind this is Nathan Cross!"

"That punk is extremely arrogant and has constantly provoked my family. He even threatened to

destroy the Brown Family."

Still indifferent, Elijah asked, "Are you asking me to help you get back at Nathan Cross?"

"No, no! How could I trouble you to do that?" Tyson shook his head.

"Nathan Cross is insignificant. The Brown Family can destroy him any day."

"However, I found out that the deputy commander-in-chief of the Eastern Military District, General Liam

Davis, seems to be siding with him...”

Elijah immediately laughed, "Haha, alright I got you. You don't like it that Liam is helping Nathan, and

you want me to punish him?"

Tyson responded quickly, "Well, I don't dare to. I just hope that you could tell General Davis to not

meddle in the feud between Nathan and me. This is a private affair, and I wish to handle it on my own."

Elijah agreed loudly, "Well, I can promise you that. I guarantee you that no one in the Eastern Military

District will interfere in your affairs with Nathan. We will not bother with anything, even if you fight on

the streets or start a war."

"Thank you, Commander Lowe!" Tyson exclaimed gratefully upon hearing this.

No words could describe his exhilaration.Nathan Cross is but a nobody!

The only unfortunate thing was that he had to sacrifice his son. It seemed like General Davis was really

biased towards Nathan.

He was afraid that General Davis would protect Nathan when the Brown family attempted to destroy


However, now that Liam Davis' direct superior, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern District Elijah

Lowe, promised that he would no longer meddle in their private feud, Tyson thought that it was only a

matter of time before Nathan met his end.

He thanked Elijah profusely for his help and left with his men. Naturally, he was about to gather his

resources and prepare for an attack on Nathan.

After Tyson left, Elijah picked up the calligraphy scroll from the desk.

He unrolled it, looked at the words on the parchment, and a smile slowly crept onto his face. It was as

though this was all a game to him.

He yelled at the top of his voice, "Miles Hampton!"

Immediately, the Captain of National Guards, Miles Hampton, strode over and saluted in a low voice,

"Hampton reporting!"

Elijah passed the calligraphy to him and instructed, "Pass this to the General and tell him that it was

gifted by Tyson Brown."

Miles took the masterpiece from him and replied loudly and clearly, "Yes sir! I will do it now!"

At the Winston Luxury Hotel, Nathan was having dinner with his family.

They had been in the East for three days now. After dinner, they were going to head back to Channing.

Post-dinner, Penny, Kylie, and Queenie returned to their rooms to pack their luggage, while Colin

Dunne came to visit Nathan.

Colin handed a calligraphy scroll to him as he happily narrated the origins of the art.novelbin

After listening to Colin's words, Nathan flashed a small smile and said calmly, "We are going back to

Channing today. Are there any updates on Tyson?"

Colin reported to him, "Tyson is gathering his men and resources now. He plans to ambush you on

your way back and kill you."

He continued to instruct Colin, "Relay my orders. Activate the Eighteen Riders of the North to


Colin widened his eyes as he heard this. The Eighteen Riders of the North were Nathan Cross' trump


Even though the unit was only made up of eighteen men, they were selected from a battalion of more

than three hundred thousand soldiers in the North.

Each one of them were trained to kill.

Wherever they went, they destroyed their enemies ruthlessly and left nothing unscathed.

This time, Nathan chose to use them to get back at the Brown Family. It seemed like he was bent on

destroying them.

With a deep voice, Colin said, "Yes, sir. I will pass down your orders for them to arrive now.”

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