Salute To The General

Chapter 546 Inferno Firm
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Chapter 546 Inferno Firm

Nathan's order turned Denise's face pale instantly from fear and anger.

She quickly ordered her bodyguards to help each other up and fled the scene.

Denise did not forget to stare at Nathan and the Smiths as she left.

Do you think you're still the same young master of the Cross? Just you wait! The Jacksons and Griffins

will definitely avenge me!

This was Denise's first time being so humiliated. She was first chased out of Riverside Garden by the

security, and now, she was forced to leave Channing with Thomas monitoring their actions until they


Denise returned to the Jacksons' mansion first and told her family about how the Smiths rejected the

marriage and how Nathan humiliated her twice. She even told them about her injured bodyguards.

Saul Jackson, Denise's father, was enraged when he heard her daughter was


"How dare they do this to my daughter!" Saul cursed.

"Dad's right! For a small family like the Smiths to refuse our proposal! And that Nathan, how dare he

humiliate my little sister!" Barry scolded. "Dad, I'll head over to Channing myself and make Nathan beg

us on his knees to forgive them! I'll make sure the Smiths to agree to the marriage!”

"Good,” Saul smiled. "Go. Make sure you get everything done right. The Griffins are still waiting for this

marriage to happen so they could make their next move. The South will be theirs when they take

control of the Smiths!"

Denise suddenly spoke, "Barry, I'm coming with you, but you need to be alert. Nathan has some

influence in Channing. He has Thomas Dunn working for him, and Thoman controls the mafia in

Channing. I believe Nathan can act all high and mighty because he has Thomas backing him up." "So

what?" Barry scorned. "I'll gather a hundred elites from the Inferno Firm and take down Thomas as

well. How dare he hit my little sister!"

The Inferno Firm is a famous security company in the East. To be more precise, it was a mercenary


Barry Jackson used to be the Chief Military Instructor of the East's thirty thousand special forces. He

was later dismissed because of bad behavior.

After leaving the military, he founded Inferno Firm and trained a group of mercenaries as powerful as

the special forces.

Their services included protection, assassination, revenge, intimidation, and tracking.

Denise knew that each of the employees in the firm was strong as they had gone through the same

tough routines as the special forces.

With Barry leading his men to Channing, Nathan and Thomas would definitely fall, and the marriage

would be sealed.

With Denise's revenge in mind, the Jacksons moved swiftly like they always did.

Barry, Denise, and a hundred mercenaries arrived in Channing the next day and went straight to the

Smiths' mansion.

Lewis flew towards the gate and knocked it wide open before crashing to the floor. New chapter

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The kick was powerful enough to crack Lewis's ribcage. After spitting out blood, he passed out.

The sudden attack by Barry scared all of the other guards.novelbin

"Sir! Someone is making a scene outside, and Lewis is dead!"

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