Salute To The General

Chapter 545 I Am Letting You Go This Time
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Chapter 545 I Am Letting You Go This Time

"All I can tell everyone is that this is an order from the army at the highest level. I believe everyone also

noticed the two fighter jets escorting us," the pilot explained. "As for why the army issued such an

order, none of us have any idea, either. We were told that it's a top military secret. I'd suggest everyone

here keep their noses out of this. As for the tickets, the airline will issue a refund three times the original

ticket price."

Since it was a top military secret, everyone kept their mouths shut. They didn't argue with the captain

any longer and left the plane obediently. Some even began to gossip quietly.

"Could it be that a senior officer was on the plane as well, and that he had to return to Channing for an

urgent matter?"

"You're right. Not only can he redirect the plane to Channing, but he was also even escorted by two

fighter jets. He must be influential in the army."

As for Denise, she exited the plane with Queenie still in her arms.

Just like everyone else, she was looking around trying to spot that important military official.

The only thing Denise did not expect was that the person being escorted by the jets was actually the

sleeping little girl with her.

A dozen black cars were parked at the airport.

Nathan held Penny's hand tightly under the setting sun with Kylie, Bennie, and Leah next to them.

Thomas Dunn and tens of bodyguards stood sternly behind the family.

When Denise got off the plane and saw that scene, her jaw dropped.

"Queenie!" Penny gasped and ran over to take her daughter away from Denise.

The little girl slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them. When she noticed she was in Penny's arms,

she exclaimed, "Mama!"

Oh! My daughter!" Penny cried in joy as she hugged Queenie tightly.

Nathan walked to his wife and wrapped his arm around her waist as he smiled at Queenie. "Baby, arenovelbin

you okay?”

Since the little girl hadn't met her parents for a week, she was also excited to see Nathan. "Papa! I'm

okay. Did I fall asleep?"

Queenie had just woken up and she had no idea she had been drugged in the car on the way to the


But Kylie remembered it.

When Kylie realized that Queenie was kidnapped by Denise, she was both surprised and angry. Not

only that, but she was also scared and blamed herself for the incident. When she told Nathan and the

Smiths about the incident, tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

The moment Kylie noticed Denise, she walked straight up and slapped Denise in the cheek.

The loud slap rang across the airport building as Denise took it full-blown.

Her well-tidied hair was now disheveled.

Denise covered her cheek and stared at Kylie angrily. "B*tch! How dare you hit me? Anthony, kill her!"

Obeying Denise's order, Anthony and the other bodyguards walked up to Kylie with the intention to kill


Nathan looked at the situation and gave out a cold order. "Take them down."

"Yes, Sir!"

Thomas roared and charged at Anthony like a rampaging tiger.

Before Anthony could even react, Thomas landed his punch on Anthony's face.

Anthony was thrown back and his face was instantly covered in his own blood. He passed out before

he could even cry out in pain.

Thomas's subordinates also charged at

Denise's other bodyguards. In just an instance, all eight of her guards were lying in blood.

Denise widened her eyes because she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "D-do you know who I

am? I'm Damon Griffin's wife! I'm one of the Jacksons! How dare you..." Co?tent of Dr?м??ovеls.cоm

"Nathan, let's leave it as it is. Just make sure she doesn't try anything like this again." Penny whispered

to Nathan.

the South from this point onwards. If I see any one of you here, you'll have to bear all responsibilities

yourselves. Now, get the hell out of my sight!"

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