Salute To The General

Chapter 1808
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Chapter 1808

"Hi, beautiful. Mind for a drink?"

Penny raised her head in astonishment. She looked at the stranger in front of her and politely refused, "I'm sorry. I don't drink..."

Maverick nodded slightly. Then he turned around and asked for the waiter and replaced the drink on the tray with orange juice. Then, he smiled at her and answered, "Orange juice it is, then! My treat!"

When he just finished his words, a cold voice spoke, "She doesn't drink orange juice either!"

Maverick and his men frowned and turned to look at once.

Penny exclaimed delightfully, "Nathan!"

It was Nathan's voice indeed.

Maverick scowled at him. "Sir, I was asking this lady over here, not you."

Nathan replied indifferently, "I know. I'm responding in her place."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Maverick smirked. "Sir, who are you to speak on her behalf? Is she your wife?"

Nathan responded icily, "Yes, she is."

Maverick was taken aback by his words, but he immediately smiled wickedly. "Alright then, how about I buy her a drink?"

The people around were shocked at Maverick's cheekiness and stared at him unbelievingly. How dare this guy flirt with one's wife so boldly? He really crossed the line!

Maverick grinned boastfully at Nathan. Well, I'm the son of the wealthy Douglas family in the West anyway! I can do as I please!

Burning in rage, Nathan glared at the man murderously.

Maverick panicked and had a premonition of imminent disaster.

Nathan had already raised his hand and punched him.


His fist caused Maverick to spit out a mouthful of blood along with some broken teeth, and he fell heavily on the ground.

Mr. Douglas! Are you alright?" His men hurriedly helped him up.

Half of his cheek was severely swollen. His mouth filled with blood, and a few teeth broke; he was angered and shocked at the same time.

He covered his beaten face and

glared at Nathan incredulously, "How dare you... How dare you bit

me.. No one has ever done this to me...You're the first..." Content

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He pushed his men over to Nathan and yelled fiercely, "What are you waiting for? Kill him! I'll deal with it later!"

"Yes, Mr. Douglas!"

They viciously rushed toward Nathan amidst the vociferation of the onlookers.

Penny reminded hurriedly, "Nathan, be careful!"

When they had just approached Nathan, he had already kicked them away in a flash.


All of them were kicked in their chests, and they went flying to the ground on their backs. It hurt so badly that they struggled to get up.

The scene dumbfounded everyone as they didn't expect Nathan to be so powerful, including Maverick.

He glared at Nathan with fright and anger and declared sternly, "How dare you hit my men and me! Don't you know that I'm Maverick Douglas, the future successor of the Douglas family in the West? I'm warning you: You're in big trouble." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Nathan replied coldly, "I don't care who you are or where you're from; you're nothing to me." Maverick trembled with rage. "Fine! I'll call someone right now, so you'd better not regret your actions!" Since the Douglas family was influential in the West, Maverick had connections even in Brimmopolis. He took out his phone and called his cousin, Quent Douglas.

Quent was the personal bodyguard of Clifford, the Cab secretary, and was Clifford's trusty assistant. All dignitaries were in reverence to Quent when they saw him. Therefore, it would be nothing for his cousin to deal with Nathan. “Quent, I was beaten in Red Hotel. Come avenge me quickly!"

After he hung up, he looked up at

to smirked, "Boy, you c t kind of trouble you t

got yourself into; you're Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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