Salute To The General

Chapter 1807
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Chapter 1807

Nathan and Penny had reunited again after parting for so long.

After a while, peace restored the room.

Penny felt that she had spent every last bit of her energy and was worn out.

She rested on Nathan's broad and firm chest and listened to his strong heartbeat with warmth and happiness.

Nathan hugged her with an arm and was enjoying the intimacy too.

A long time later, Nathan glanced at the afterglow of the setting sun projected from the window and softly broke the silence, "It's getting dark; let's go eat."

"Okay." Penny's face was still reddened, and she responded briefly.

Not long after that, they had dressed up neatly and walked out of the suite.

Colin showed up at the right time and greeted respectfully, "General, Mrs. Cross..."

Nathan lightly replied, "We are not in the North Army now. You don't have to call me General on normal occasions; I don't want to cause disruption and socialize unnecessarily."

Colin instantly replied, "Yes, Mr. Cross!"

"Mr. and Mrs. Cross, do you plan to dine at this hotel or go elsewhere?"

Nathan looked at Penny.

Her face flushed slightly, and she said, "I'm a little tired today, so let's just dine in the hotel's restaurant to save the hassle."

Nathan smiled. "Sure!"

Soon, the three arrived at the restaurant on the second floor.

Since Red Hotel was the finest hotel in Brimmopolis, the restaurant there was also among the best.

In fact, their restaurant was famous for its splendid environment and delicacies.

Hence, it was pretty costly for ordinary people, but it was surprisingly crowded that day.

As one of the hosts for the presidential election conference, the hotel provided accommodation to many nationwide candidates.

Therefore, it was reasonable for the restaurant to be packed.

The couple found a seat by the window without any hesitation.

When they were seated, Colin cleverly backed off.

Colin and Elite Eight were both professionally trained to guard the couple secretly and not interrupt their private lives. They would only protect them in times when trouble arose. Content belongs to


Nathan passed the menu over to Penny. "Honey, what do you want to eat?"

She took it, looked through it, and started ordering.

After asking her to take his order because he wanted to use the restroom, he rose and left.

Shortly afterward, a tall, handsome man and a few escorts swaggered into the restaurant.

When he saw the crowded place, he grimaced. "How can a high-end

restaurant be like a supermark ne

This is worse than our finesto restaurant in the West." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org S

Among his men, one stroked his beard and comforted him. "Mr. Douglas, since Red Hotel hosts nationwide candidates like us, it's

inevitable for this to happen. We will

have to make do with it." Content

belongs to NovelDrama.Org

It turned out that the handsome man was also one of the candidates who would participate in the presidential election conference.

He was Maverick Douglas, the son of the wealthy Douglas family from the West.

Maverick frowned and looked around the restaurant. He was disgusted by the boisterous environment and planned to go to another place.

Suddenly, his gaze fell on Penny, and his eyes lit up.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Wow! What a beautiful lady!

Not only was Penny beautiful and slender-looking, but she was also dressed decently and had an attractive demeanor.

In addition, since she and Nathan had just shared a steamy moment, a hint of blush stained her face, and it turned men on easily.

When Maverick saw her, he couldn't suppress his excitement and lusted over her greedily.

He smirked slyly, waved to the waiter next to him to order two glasses of wine, and walked straight towards her.

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