Salute To The General

Chapter 1795
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Chapter 1795

Over at the North Army's headquarters, Fang, Destroyer, Heptakill, and the other key figures in the North Army called for an emergency meeting.Since Nathan, the commander-in-chief, was not around, Fang, who had recently been promoted, chaired the meeting

With a grim expression, he said in a deep voice. "There are two things I need to discuss with you today.

"Firstly, we all knew a Xyperian sniper had killed Lieutenant Sutcliffe last night when he was patrolling around our frontline outpost.

“The sniper even used the Dumdum bullets, that had been banned under the international convention.”

“Lieutenant Sutcliffe suffered a miserable death!”

"We must not let him die in vain. The Xyperian government must hand over the sniper, and he must be punished for his action.”

Destroyer, Heptakill, Colin, and the rest all felt a jolt of anger.

The relationship between Xyperia and Eurasia had always been rife with tension. The former had held grudges against Eurasia ever since they weredefeated in the war. This was why Xyperia constantly viewed Eurasia as their nemesis, and they hoped one day they could teach Eurasia a lesson.

Over the years, both countries had set up military bases along the borders.

Since the borders of both neighboring countries had always been a disputable topic, the troops over there often engaged in clashes.Nevertheless, most of the conflicts were mild as both parties practiced self-control

Cn and off, they would deploy a group of elite soldiers to the frontline outpost so that they could gauge each other's military strength.In a way, such minor conflicts also served as a training ground for all the soldiers.

Most of the border conflicts took place at a lake.

While the Eurasians named it the Purgatory Lake, the Xyperians called it Abyss Lake.

The names given might be terrifying, but in reality, it was a beautiful lake.

It was especially scenic duringwinter. While the entire land was.covered’ in snow, the lake remainedunfrozen. wild birds, foxes, anddeers would gather around this areato-grink water from the lake” “Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

Hundreds of unknown winter bloomers would also thrive along the lake.

When the thick blanket of snow covered the North throughout the entire winter, this lake was definitely a sight to behold.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Yet, this picturesque landmark often turned into the battlefield for the Eurasian and Xyperian soldiers.

They constantly challenged each other's patience by hoisting and removing their flags around the lake.

Tension would continue to rise when the patrolling teams from both countries bumped into each other in this area.

In the past, soldiers from both parties had engaged in verbal exchanges or brawls, but they had never resorted to armed violence.

But as clashes continued to escalate, the soldiers started wielding daggers and sabers, and gunfights ensued.

This was how the lake turned into a battlefield for soldiers from both countries.

Of course, he Eurasian andXyperiangovernments were awareof these conflicts. But none of themwanted I to bring this up and turn thisinto international issue unlessanyone of them felt threatened.Cdntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Though clashes still took place by the lake, they had neither crossed over to the other side nor ambushed their opponent.

Yet, last night, Xyperia violated the».unspoken agreement by crossing:over the Purgatory Lake, trespassedinto the frontline outpost of Eurasia,and killed Lieutenant Sutcliffe.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

To make things worse, the Xyperian sniper even used the Dumdum bullets, violating the international conventionVictims who had been hit by the Dumdum bullets would suffer a miserable death.Many countries had condemned the use of Dumdum bullets ever since it hit the market, and this was why these bullets were eventually banned.

Hence now, this incident had truly enraged the North Army.

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