Salute To The General

Chapter 1794
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Chapter 1794

Nathan stood with his hands behind his back and said alocfly, “You two seem to enjoy the risk of getting killed.Fierus and Jada exchanged glances. They realized they had to give it their all to defeat their opponent.

Jada said to Fierus, "We've never seen a man as invincible as he is. Let's fight to the death!”

Following that, Fierus roared a war cry and made his first move.

He somersaulted in the air, and in the blink of an eye, he stood in front of Nathan. “Fierus Punch's second form, The Sky Breaker!”The energy ripples his fist exuded produced a sharp terrifying screech.

Nonetheless, Nathan let out a cold snort and raised his left hand.


Nathan grabbed hold of Fierus' fist with his palm quite effortlessly.


Fierus' eyes widened in disbelief.

How did he manage to stop my punch with such a casual move?What kind of powerful freak is he?

Before Fierus could react, Nathan had raised his left hand and threw a punch at him.


The punch landed right on his steel mask.


The impact was so strong that the beast mask broke into pieces as if it was made of clay.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

At the same time, a fountain of blood erupted straight from Fierus? face.

His face was covered in blood, and his feature became so distorted that he could not even scream in pain anymore. Feirus' body was shovedbackward and landed on the ground like a dead hound.


Seeing the state Fierus was in, Jada shrieked in agony and pounced at Nathan as if she was possessedWith a calm expression, Nathan raised his leg and kicked Jada in the middle of her face.

Instantly, Jada stopped screaming, and her body dropped right next to Fierus'.

The most powerful couple-cum-assassins had both suffered a miserable death.

After giving the bodies one last sullen glare, Nathan began to worry.

He believed the Daviers would have known he had left the North by now.

Thus, he was afraid that Clifford might use this against him

He then looked towards the North and mumbled, “I have to return to the North as soon as possible.”Suddenly, an army of soldiers marched in his direction.

It was Franklin who brought the soldiers here.

Franklin had been waiting forNathan atthe military base for quitesome time, but the latter did notturnup. He-then gave Ava a call andsoofearned that Nathan had lefthore quite a while ago. Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org =

From that, he figured the General must have encountered some problems and decided to lead a team over to see how they could help.

At that moment, he approached Nathan and said, “We're late, Sir. Please forgive us.

Nathan waved his handdismissively. “It's fine, but I'm afraidsomeone might have exposed mywhereabouts. Anyway, pleasearrange a private jet for me. needtoreturn to the North immediately.”Cdntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Yes, sir.In the meantime, Clifford ordered the Cabinet's private jet, which was initially scheduled for a trip to the West, to take a detour to the North.Upon receiving his order, they were dumbfounded.

Yet, no one dared to question his motive. They changed the route and headed in the North's direction.

Clifford, who was holding anewspaper while enjoying a cup ofcoffee in in°his private jet, looked at thesky and let out a cold snort. If + don'tsee you I in the North, you're doomed,Nathan. Content belongs ta”NovelDrama.Org -

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