Salute To The General

Chapter 1790
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Chapter 1790

Realization dawned on Arnold. He smiled, “I knew it... I died in honor since it was you...”Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

With that, his head lolled to the side as he took his last breath

The ambulance had arrived when Nathan and his men walked out. They then accompanied Thomas and Ivan to the hospital

At the same time, Channing's military was also informed to clean up the mess.

After making sure that everything was fine with Thomas and Ivan at the hospital, Nathan returned to Riverside Garden with Ava.Penny had left for work while Queenie had gone to school.

Kylie was the only one home since Benson and Leah had also gone out.

Kylie called out to him when she saw Nathan. “Bay. you came back just in time. I wanted to talk 1, to you.

“You guys can talk. I need to go to the office to protect Ms. Smith.” Ava spoke up.

She then left the scene.

Nathan and Kylie were the only ones left in the living room.

Could it be that Kylie had noticed something out of the ordinary? Nathan couldn't help but thought to himself since Kylie was hesitant to speak.

Locks like I won't be able to use Bay as my identity anymore. I need to return to the North as soon as possible. Or else people are going to find outthat the General of the North left the warzone without permission.

Nathan asked calmly, “What is it, Ms. Tonkins?”

Kylie's face reddened as she asked cautiously, "Wasn't I drunk last night after having supper with you?”Nathan smiled. "Yes. Why?”

Kylie blushed and said in a small voice, "Did I spout nonsense after getting drunk last night?”

Ch, so Kylie wanted to know if she spouted nonsense after getting drunk.

Kylie was worried that she had revealed her secret crush on Nathan after getting drunk since she would lose face if soHer anxicusness grew and she decided to ask Bay about it in the end to get to the bottom of things.Nathan smiled. "You did!"

"W-What did I say?” Kylie's face paled as she asked, feeling terrified.

Nathan smiled, "You said not to misunderstand your intentions and that you don't have any feelings for me.”Kylie was stunned and felt a little awkward

She then asked carefully, “Did I say anything else? Like did I tell you who my crush is?”

Nathan shook his head. “No.”

"Why? Do you have a crush someone?’

Kylie shook her head. "No, I don't. Don't talk nonsense!”

She's denying it.

Nathan chuckled.

Kylie felt a sense of relief after finding out that she didn't say anything else last night.

She waved her hands and said, "Ck, you can get back to your work then.

Nathan smiled, walked towards thebalcony, whigped out his phone anddialed Colin'§ number. He said ~~calmly, “Fhe Daviers are suspectingmy identity as Bay. I'm in danger.ofexposing myself. Sort things out forme.'m planning to return totheNorth Army within these two days.”"Yes, General!” Colin rep ied. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

The Davier's residence in Brimmopolis.Clifford just received news that Arnold and his subordinates were all wiped out in ChanningHis subordinates said in shock and anger, “Penny's bodyguards are ruthless. How dare they kill our men?

“That's right. Who is Bay? How come he's so powerful that even Arnold cannot defeat him?”

Clifford said calmly, “No need toguess anymore, The answer isobvious. Theone whosinglehandedly defeated all the topfighters from the Goldstein family;the ong who defeated the eight greatgenerals of the Cabinet, and the onewhe wiped out Arnold and kisstbordinates. It's none offer thanathan Cross. Not even Fang,Destroyer, and Heptakill can standup to him.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

is subordinates were pleasantlysurprised. They said excitedly, “Mr.Davier, X peria has been increasing.their forges at the borders. The North Army is now preparing forbattle; s commander-in-chief,”athan left the North withagltpermission. This is your chance toismiss Nathan, Mr. Davier.” Content

belongs to NovelDrama.Org


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