Salute To The General

Chapter 1789
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Chapter 1789

How dare that Arnold challenge Nathan?

Ava was about to stop him from doing so subconsciously. Arald wasn't worthy of being Nathan's opponent in her eyesHowever, Nathan stopped her.

Nathan said flatly, "I can't stand the Daviers' provocation anymore. How dare they hurt my friend? That's it. I'm going to crush them personally.”With that, Nathan walked towards Armold

Having been adopted by the Daviers at a very young age, Arnold was a highly skilled hitman

He became one of Clifford's sharpest blade after he came of age and had been unrivaled all these


Locks like Nathan is probably the General of the North, Eurasia’s God of War in disguise

Arncld felt a rush of excitement upon the thought of the opportunity to fight with the God of War.

What an honor it would be if I can defeat the God of War!

His blood boiled with excitement and he was all fired up.

Nathan looked like he was moving slowly but was actually quick on his feet.

He was in front of Arnold in the blink of an eye.

Arncld struck out the moment Nathan was within range of attack. His blade flashed brightly

as it slashed in Nathan's direction.

He was confident that Nathan would be slashed in half with his speed if the blade lands on Nathan's body.However, his vision suddenly blurred and he missed.

Nathan's icy voice sounded from his right side. “That's it?"

Arnold's swiped his blade in the direction of Nathan's voice in anger without even tuming his head.However, he missed once again.

His blood boiled as he launched another round of attacks at Nathan with everything he got.

Yet, dodging his attacks was like a stroll in the park for Nathan

In a single breath, he had unleashed ten strikes at Nathan but none of them even grazed Nathan's shirt. He exploded in rage.“Die!”

He roared in anger and slashed his blade towards Nathan.

His attack was powerful and unstoppable.

Even Ava, Thomas, and Ivan couldn't help but gasped in surprise at the attack as they worry for Nathan.Nathan didn't dodge when faced with Arnold's strongest attack but stood his ground

He suddenly reached out when the blade was about to land on him.

Shackingly, he actually managed to catch the blade with his bare hands!


Arnold's eyes widened in shock.

His lackeys, Finlay, and the rest of his subordinates were shocked

Nathan said icily, “That's it? Keep in mind not to insult us soldiers with your skills in your next life.”

With that, Nathan tightened his grip.


Arnold's blade shattered into pieces in his hand.

Nathan then punched Arnold in the face with his right hand.


Arnold's face was disfigured as Nathan's punch sent him flying

His body flew out like a kite with a

b oken.string and landed an the Nyg ound. It looked like he wouldn't beSuNiving this blow. Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org =

ANContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

athan remained impassive as heinstructed Ava, “Get rid of the rest ofthem. {will kill whoever the Davierssends to Channing in the future.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

“Yes, sir.” Ava replied.

She moved as soon as she finished speaking

Cnce again, screams of horror sounded from the freezer.

Not long after, everything quietened down.

Arncld, Finlay, and his subordinates were all wiped out.

Nathan said coolly, “Inform Channing's military to come clean up the mess. Let's get out of here!Nathan and Ava were about to leave with Thomas and Ivan who were injured.

However, a hand suddenly reached out to grab Nathan's leg just as he walked past Arnold.Nathan paused and saw that it was Arnold

Arnold was experiencing terminal lucidity.

He struggled to.lift up his bloodiedface and asked I in a hoarse voice,"A-Are youreally the God of War,Nathan?twant to know if I died in”the hands of the legendary God ofWarr in the hands of an orcinaryrrifftary soldier from the Coritentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ?


Nathan looked at Arncld who was on the brink of death and said calmly, “I'm Nathan.”

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