Salute To The General

Chapter 1757
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Chapter 1757

Good-for-nothings?Ceaser was taken aback, so were Cole and Jayce.Even the rest of Ceasers powerful friends were not spared

As they were all from influential families, people often tripped over themselves to appease them and butter them up. In short, every one of them wasa privileged individual.

Their gathering here today could be considered an assembly of the elites.

However, this bodyguard had actually implied that they were good-for-nothings.

How dare he?The sheer audacity this man has is unbelievable!

Ceaser's eyes glinted menacingly as he stared Nathan down and a murderous aura emanated from him, permeating the entire room



A large group of bodyguards in black suits poured in just then.

These men were brought by Cole, Jayce and the others.

They had the place completely surrounded and were glaring at Nathan with ferocious eyes.

Ceaser sneered at Nathan and said, “You came after all

"Where are Penny and Kylie?”

Nathan casually pulled out a chair to sit, then lit up a military-exclusive cigarette before calmly saying, "They're not coming.

Leaser snorted coldly. “Does Penny think that offering you up will be enough to placate me? Does she think she can escape my wrath just likethat?"

Nathan shock his head. “I came on my own. And I came to warn you to cherish that chance I gave you yesterday, because it's hard to come by."Leaser scoffed. "Chance? What chance?

Nathan took a puff of his cigarette before answering calmly, “The chance to walk out alive.”

Then, he pinned Leaser with a gaze and ordered, Take your loser friends and get the f**k out of Channing tonight itself, and you might still get «keep your life.

Ceaser, Cole, Jayce and the others burst into waves of laughter upon hearing that.

With a mocking grin, Cole said, “Thisguy's arrogance knows no bounds.He actually told us to get the freioutof Channing tonight!” Contentselongs to NovelDrama.Org =

With a vicious look on his face, Jayce sneered at Nathan. “I wonder how much alcohol he drank to become this delusional.“Doesn't he know that the men we brought total up to more than two thousand?

"We can chop him up to pieces without even breaking a sweat. Haha..

Standing amid his friends and allies, Ceaser smirked at Nathan who was surrounded by their men and boasted, “You heard that?"‘I have more than a hundred allies here and their men total up to more than two thousand.

"What are you going to do? Punch your way out?”

Nathan smiled. "Of course not. Your useless subordinates aren't enough for me to waste my energy on.

Everyone frowned upon that.

Even Leaser had a doubtful look on his face. "It seems like you brought back up?”

A faint smile appeared on Nathan's.lips. "I didn't see the need to NSpersonally get rid of a bunch oftrash; so of course I called oversore backup.” Content belongs to


As if on cue, a commoation rang from outside.

Nathan's backup was here.

Ceaser, Cole, Jayce and the others were initially curious about how many men Nathan had brought.When they found out that eighteen men had arrived at the Celestial Club, they were all dumbfounded.

Suddenly, all of them dissolved into laughter.

Ceaser aughed so hard that he wastearing up: “Pointing at Nathan, he”guffawed some more before saying,‘Bay, ny friend. Are you trying-tomake) me laugh to death? Is thatgeivis i plan?’ Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

“I have hundreds of allies and two thousand men, but you brought a dozen or so idiots here and think you pose a threat to me?"Hahaha! Were you unable to find more backup, or are you just cuckoo?”

Everyone joined in the laughter once again.

Nathan remained poised as he said monotonously, "My eighteen men are more than enough to take down the lot of you.”Leaser cracked a malevolent grin. “You just don't know when to give up, do you?”

“Men, round up those eighteen men outside. We'll kill them together!”

“Yes, Mr. Goldstein!”

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