Salute To The General

Chapter 1756
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Chapter 1756

"What an imbecile!” Nathan remarked coldly.

After reining in his temper, he asked, "Does Penny know about this?

Ava replied, "Mrs. Cross and her family were happily eating when I received this news. I didn't want to ruin their mood, so I haven't told her yet.”Nathan nodded in approval. “That's good.”

He glanced at Penny and the rest before continuing, “Don't tell Penny about this. I'll take care of it.

With that, Nathan picked up his napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth. After reminding Ava to protect his family well, he stood up and leftdiscreetly.

At the Celestial Club.

Channing's renowned private club had been fully booked by Ceaser and his group of friends tonight.

At that moment, Ceaser was drinking with two of his sworn brothers, Cole Long and Jayce Dawson, as well as a large group of friends.

Cole made a toast to Ceaser and grinned as he said, "Ceaser, do you think Penny Smith will come here and meet us as you asked?”Ceaser shook his head. “I can't say for sure.”

Jayce smiled sinisterly. “Hah! If she doesn't come, let's kill her entire family tonight.

"We'll start with that bodyguard named Bay. Ceaser, imagine f**king Penny right on the bed she shares with Nathan Cross. I'm sure you'll beable to vent out all your anger, gh?"

Ceaser's eyes lit up and an wicked smile played on his lips.

Breaking into the General's home and violating his wife right on his bed?! feel excited just thinking about itIThis will be my greatest accomplishmentyet!

He raised his glass and tock a swig from it, then patted Jayce on his shoulder as he laughed.“You're always full of ideas, Jayce. And this idea of yours? I like it. Hahaha...”

Cole, Jayce and the others joined in the laughter.

Meanwhile, Nathan had arrived at the Celestial Club.

There were many men in suits guarding the club's entrance. A dozen of them blockedNathan's way, preventing him for entering.

“Mr. Goldstein and his companions have booked the entire venue for tonight, so get lost.

Unfazed, Nathan said icily, "I have a score to settle with Leaser Goldstein, so tell him to haul his ass out here to see me.

Stupefied upon-hearing that, themen traded {ooks with each other.Then, their Jéader, aman sporting a>crew cut reached out to grab =Nathan's collar while cursing, "Youlittleb*stard. You must havea ‘deathwish. " Content belongs to

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Before his hand could graze Nathan's clothes, the latter had already kicked him square in the chest.

The man's chest caved in and blood sprayed out of his mouth as he flew backward and crashed into the glass doors“B*stard! You're asking for it!”

Filled with both shock and anger, the remaining men charged at Nathan.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Before they could even reach Nathan, Nathan sent them careening through the air.

The ones who suffered milderinjuries clambered to their feet inapanic, then stumbled into the clubwhile yelling frantically, "Mr.Goldstein, we're in trouble! There's acrazy b*stard at the door...” Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org =

With his hands folded behind his back, Nathan walked in as though he was merely taking a stroll in his backyard.In a magnificent and massive private room.

Cole broke into a cajoling smile and said, “Mr.

Goldstein, I think Penny's toc afraid to come. Waiting here is useless.

“Let's gather all our men and head straight to her house. Tonight, we must help you get your revenge.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Everyone echoed their agreementswith Jayee adding in, “Yeah, let's.stop waiting and just head to Cross’house ight now. You'll get to spillblood and then f**k his wife aperfect concoction of vengeance.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

However, the door to the room was abruptly opened just then.

Several injured subordinates barged in with terror written across their faces. "Mr. Goldstein, something very bad has happened. Someone came andbeat us all up!"


Ceaser and the others were shocked to the core.

Before they knew it, Nathan walked in at a languid pace.

When Ceaser saw him, his eyes glowed red as if he was meeting his sworn enemy. “It's you!”

Nathan swept his gaze around the venue before saying blandly, "Is this the place where the good-for-nothings gather?”

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