Salute To The General

Chapter 1734
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Chapter 1734

“Hubby!” Penny leaped up in pure exhilaration and ran into Nathan's embrace. It took a while for herto fully process that her husband was indeed present.

“Nathan! I can't believe you're here!” Kylie beamed at the side. Meanwhile, Colin stood behind thereunited family.

While the ladies were on cloud nine, the originally smug faces of the gang grew grim.

Willow could barely articulate a full sentence in his stupor. “A-Aren't you supposed to... to be... in th-the North?”

Removing himself reluctantly from Penny's embrace, he turned to address the man. “You soundvery knowledgeable about my schedule.

Tell me, who do you work for?”Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Although Nathan's tone was flat and deceptively calm, it was capable of sending chills downWillow's spine and triggering the latter's flight response. “If I tell you who the mastermind is, will youlet me go?”

“The best I can do is to offer a proper burial.” That was Nathan's laconic reply.

Willow's heart dropped as his final escape route was gone. Since there was no fleeing from thesituation, he could only fight. He scowled and readied his fists. “Then I guess the only way to settlethis is to fight it out! Fellas, get ready!”

The whole gang steeled their resolve knowing that they were up against the God of War.

While Nathan was formidable, the hoard of men had years of combative experience under theirbelts; fear was not in their dictionary.

Moreover, they were skeptical about Nathan's title. After all, being the “God of War” did notnecessarily entail being excellent at fighting. It could simply mean that the man had great leadershipcapabilities.

In all, it was not yet a lost cause for the thugs. Even if the battle might be tough, they knew thatfighting back was their only chance of survival.

However, aside from Nathan, there was someone else they had forgotten about. Nathan scoffed atthe unfounded confidence of the gang, turned around, and addressed Colin. “Clear this mess up forme. Try to keep as many alive as possible for questioning later on. But otherwise, feel free to sendthem to hell.”

“Sure,” Colin replied with a smirk.

Cracking his knuckles, he walked towards the


“Fellas, bring him down!” roared Willow in return. “Go!”

Willow's subordinates advanced toward Colin at once. Bloodlust was clear from their aggression.

Contrary to the animated roars, Colin simply scoffed. “A bunch of fools.”

He lifted his fist and directed a harsh blow at the first man he encountered.

An agonized scream echoed through the cabin as the thug's right elbow dislocated.

But Colin did not wish to drag the fight out. With a precise kick to the chin, he sent the man flyingacross the room. Strained hisses escaped from his mouth as the man struggled to breathe throughhis broken jaw; it was a futile attempt.

The man's heaving chest soon went still as all colors drained from his lifeless body.

Colin wasted no time subduing his next few victims. His blows were swift, clean, and extremelypowerful. In a blink of an eye, the entire party was on the ground writhing in excruciating pain.Meanwhile, Colin stood amongst the pile of bodies with barely a scratch on him.

Willow was taken aback by his opponent's astounding combat skills.

Chickening out of a direct confrontation, he instead directed his attention to Penny and Kylie, whowere observing the scene from a corner. If I use them as hostages, he may yield!

The ladies cried out in alarm as Willow neared them.

But as long as Nathan was around, there was no way anyone could lay a finger on the ladies.Before Willow knew it, Nathan was standing directly before him, warning him not to inch any further.

He moves so fast! Willow gasped, but he knew he had no other option except to face Nathan head-on.

Mustering all his might, he swung his fist towards Nathan, bellowing with sheer fury, “Go to hell!”

Then, there was silence. Everyone in the cabin looked on in awe at what had transpired.

Despite Willow's evidently powerful swing, Nathan had managed to secure his wrist with one handand halted the incoming blow. It was an effortless gesture, making Willow's vehement battle cry allthe more humiliating.

“Who sent you here? This is your last chance to answer me.”

Instead of giving in, Willow was ready to duel to his death. “You b*stard! I'm going to make your gutsspill!”

He then aimed a kick at Nathan's stomach.

But in terms of speed, no one could rival the God of War. Nathan accurately predicted the incomingstrike and retaliated with an even faster kick at the man's right shin.

“A-Ah!” Willow cried as he felt a twinge in the affected area. He dropped to the floor, clutching hisleg laboriously as cold sweat beaded his forehead.

But Nathan was not done.

With a rapid twist, Nathan shattered another set of bones. This time, it was Willow's right elbow.

The menacing gang leader was soon reduced to a whimpering mess, joining his fellow subordinatesin grimacing on the cabin floor.

“I could have given you a painless death, but you refused. Now, you'll learn the real definition ofregret. Colin, bring this man to the washroom and interrogate him. You know what to do.”

“Yes, Sir!”

Colin grabbed Willow's limp body and disappeared into the airplane washroom.

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