Salute To The General

Chapter 1722
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Chapter 1722

In the afternoon, Hansel and Camilla went to visit Penny at the private ward in the hospital. They were accompanied by a pair of bodyguards from theWhite House.

Nathan was surprised by their visit.Penny wanted to get off the bed and greet the couple with a curtsy but was stopped by Camilla.“Please drop the formalities, Mrs. Cross. You're not well and should rest in bed.

Hansel sighed after briefly asking about Penny's condition. He learned that she had a miscarriage. which resulted in her weak health and severepsychological trauma

He asked Camilla to keep Penny company and then suggested to Nathan. “Let's go for a walk.”

Nathan complied, “Sure.”

He followed Hansel to a deserted yard located at the inpatient department. The only people nearby were White House bodyguards in suits.Obviously, the guards had cordoned off the entire area in order to ensure the safety of their president.

Hansel shared with Nathan how his proposal was turned down at the cabinet meeting.

Nathan smiled. “What the cabinet members said are true: I'm too sharp and I don't settle amicably for anything, indeed. I guess I’m not cut out to jointhe cabinet: I'm meant to be on the battlefield.”

With a wry smile, Hansel responded, “If Clifford becomes president, I'm afraid that you won't be able to keep your position as the General of theNorth, let alone step foot into the cabinet.”

Nathan remarked, “The way his daughter wreaked havoc as she pleased has tarnished his reputation. As a father, he also needs to take responsibilityfor his troublemaker son. Implicated by his children's appalling behavior, his popularity has been going downhill lately. With these problems on hisplate, I doubt he will emerge as the next president.”

“With these problems on his plate, I doubt he will emerge as the next president

Hansel nodded _in agreement.“You're rightthe issues with thesechildren have exposed many of hissshortcoraings. His approval ratingshave taken a dive recently. ~~Therefore, plan to nominatesadelegate to run against Clifford. Whokrows? We might end up;winning.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Nathan lifted his head and looked at Hansel in


According to precedents, membersaren't allowed to nominaterepresentatives from the samepolitical party-as presidentialcandidates in a consecutive mannek.This is t@avoid always having apresident from the same party,whick may lead to total domitancebya single political power.Kavingexclusive control over the,cabinetisn't always a good thing. Thereneeds to be buck-passing in politicsto maintain a balance and not giverise to a hegemon.Hansel, however,wants to send a candidate to run forpresident? Content belongs toNovelDrama.Orgnovelbin

Though Nathan did not think that was a good idea, he kept his qualms to himself.Seeing that Nathan stayed silent, Hansel prompted him, “Don't you want to know who I am nominating to fight against Clifford?"Nathan asked, “Who?"

Hansel replied, “Zion Lucas. What do you think of him?”

“Experienced and prudent,” Nathan answered while refraining from expressing the rest of his comments.

He felt that the conservative Zion was good as a cabinet member but lacked the audacity and vigor as a president. There was a slim chance he couldwin.

A smug look appeared on Hansel's face. "Haha, I believe that Zion can do it, too. Do remember to get close to him and give him incessant supportduring the next presidential election.

"As the General of the North

commanding ‘three hundred

thousand seltiers, your authority

_carries a tet-of weight and your = =>x

support Would be invaluable in >helping Zion win the election. Ifthesuccessfully defeats Cliffordandbb


ecomes the next president; you caneak away from being oppressedby Clifford. In addition, Zion willsurely take care of you.” Content

belongs to


Nathan nodded but remained quiet.

Mr. Windsor seems to have made up his decision on this matter. It's impossible for him to change his mind just because of my differing opinions. Also,it'd be inappropriate for me to comment further on Zion.

Hence, he held back from saying anything.

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