Salute To The General

Chapter 1676
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Chapter 1676

Nathan was dumbfounded by the announcement. “Me?“Sir, I have no problems when you tell me to fight, but now you want me to join the Cabinet? Are you sure I can do it?”Hansel said to him, sounding displeased, “You can do it because I say so.

“And even if you do get into the Cabinet. you are ranked last among the ten Cabinet elders. Your opinions carry little weight, so you'll mostlyparticipate in the work.

“You don't have to think too much of it. Just take it as a chance to gain experience and understanding of what the Cabinet is all about and how itoperates.

“Furthermore, you cannot resign from your position as General of the North. The North still relies on your rule. Xyperia remains unyielding to ournation, and only you, our God of War, can put them in their place.”

Nathan concurred, “Yes, sir!”

Hansel chuckled again. “I've told you so much, but actually we haven't even sprang into action yet.“In my last days here, I'll do what I can to get you into the Cabinet, but I can't promise anything.”Nathan replied in acknowledgment, “I understand.”

Hansel grinned. “Alright. Last night, I got wind that your wife had come to Brimmopolis. She's probably anxiously looking for you as we speak. Youshould go meet them soon.”

The news caught Nathan off guard. “My wife?”

Hansel beamed at him. “Yes. I supposed she came after I locked you up. The people assumed I was no longer in need of your services, and theythought you were facing imminent disaster.

“Your cousin-in-law, Kylie, was not aware of the truth. When she could not visit you, she might have worked herself up and informed your wife.“And so your wife arrived at Brimmopolis yesterday.

When Nathan heard that, he hurriedly excused himself.

After he left the Royal Palace, he immediately called Colin and asked about Penny's whereabouts.

Colin replied. “The madam and Ms. Tonkins went out without informing me of their destination

“But two members of the Elite Eight are looking out for them in secret, so I can ask them for their current location and we'll know where they are.”

Very soon, Colin told Nathan that the two women had gone to the Guardian Special Forces military base. They had no idea that Nathan had beenreleased, so they wanted to continue trying their luck at applying for visitation rights.

After Nathan learned of Penny's whereabouts, he immediately took Camilla’s Audi A6 and drove to the base.At the base entrance.Penny and Kylie were standing there, waiting anxiously.

They received the same treatment as the last time they tried. They were turned away by the soldiers just as they approached the base, on thegrounds that this was a military zone and outsiders are barred from entering.

Having had enough, Kylie blurted, “Penny, they won't let us get close, let alone get in to meet Nathan. Please, you're pregnant. Let's go back for now.novelbin

Penny. in a white dress, was only over two months pregnant. It was hardly showing, so there were barely any noticeable changes in her figure. Shewas still slim and people could hardly tell

Furthermore, because of her pregnancy, her pretty face reflected more maternal tenderness than usual, making her seem more motherly.The two women stood on the side of the road, attracting the sideway glances of many men who.passed them by.

Penny muttered softly, “We don't know how Nathan's been treated whilst being locked up. They say he'll be released in three days. Let's wait here.Maybe he'll come out soon.

And so the two waited by the road.

Suddenly, a Ferrari 488 was seen speeding on the road. It came to a halt next to them

The window-of the Ferrari was thenlowered to reveal a sleek-haired andcream-faced, handsome youngman.He gazed at Penny in awe, hislecherous intent clear as day, as hetoek in the lovely woman in front ofhim. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The man whistled at her, "Hey there. beautiful. Want to come for a ride with me?”

Penny stared at the frivolous man. Her eyebrows creased slightly as she outright refused him, “We don't know you. Please stop bugging us.”

The young mag was the son of atycoon. Thers-was a college forforeign laqguages nearby. He would.often drive his sports car around.thisarea ‘espiek up young women. i hisminds hat was what beautifulcollege students waiting bythe roadHad always dreamed of. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

He thought that Penny was justacting coy, sthe got out of the carand sizecNup Penny and Kylie from->head tot tee. He leered at them, ~saying) s"You co lege women are justselling yourselves, aren't you? Don'tachall serious now. Content belongsto’NovelDrama.Org on

“This is a platinum card. There's five million in there. Is this enough for you to get in my car?”The young man took out a platinum card with a look of triumph on his face. He was about to tuck the card into Penny’s skirt collar.

The act enraged Penny. She shoved the man's arm away, then raised her hand and gave him a hard slap on the face, cursing, "Bastard! Show somerespect! You're just looking for trouble!"

The young man did not expect that the racecar and five million could net buy Penny and Kylie. And he even got slapped for it.Flushed with anger, he swore angrily at the women, “B*tches, how dare you hit me! Just you wait, I'll...”

Before he could finish that sentence, an Audi A6 came whirling towards them.


The Audi A8 slammed into the rear of the Ferrari that the young man had parked on the side of the road. It became so horrendously wrecked in aninstant that it was no longer recognizable.

“My racecar!

The young man wailed at the sight of his damaged car.

Penny and Kylie, though shaken by the crash. witnessed a man with tall stature and sparkling eyes get out of the Audi.It was Nathan!

Penny could not contain herself. “Hubby!

Kylie was pleasantly surprised to see him too.


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