Salute To The General

Chapter 1667
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Chapter 1667

Godric was relieved when he got the two thousand policemen and five hundred bodyguards as backups. His forces, including the five hundredTuckers' bodyguards, were now comparable in number to Nathan's.

He had more confidence now.

Narrowing his eyes, he looked at Nathan and sneered, “Although you are the General, you have no right to trespass on the Tucker family residence.All of you had better leave right now, or you will only bring humiliation upon yourselves once Mr. Tucker comes out."

Both Will and Hailey turned to face Nathan, whispering to him, “General, what now?”

Nathan replied calmly, “We will do what we need to do.” Then, he shifted his gaze to Godric, asking coldly, “Was it your idea or Mr. Tucker's to stop us.from arresting the S-Class criminal?

Godric hesitated under his icy stare. “I...”“Answer me!” Nathan ordered harshly.

Godric seemed taken aback. “Does it make any difference?

With a deadpan expression, Nathan stated, “Of course, there is a difference. If itis your own idea, you are guilty of obstructing the enforcement of thelaw. That means that we can arrest you and charge you for the offense. If this is Mr. Tucker's idea, he is deliberately violating the law by harboring thefugitive. According to the law, even if he is a member of the Cabinet, I have the right to enter his residence by force to make an arrest.”

Hearing that, Godric's expression morphed


Nathan continued to grill him, “So, was it your idea or Mr. Tucker's idea?”

Beads of sweat were seen trickling down Godric’s forehead.

“l... 1...” he stuttered, not knowing how to respond.

With a cold smile, Nathan uttered, “As a much-respected Cabinet member, I believe that Mr. Tucker will not harbor a fugitive

“If he knew that a criminal was hiding within his house, he would definitely offer to help with catching the criminal to prove his innocence.

“Hence, I can reasonably assume that you have gone behind Mr. Tucker's back to stop us from arresting the criminal.

“Arrest Godric Orion and take himinto custady immediately! The =others, ome with me! We are goingto conduct a thorough searchin theTucker family residence. Wewillartest anyone who dares stop us.”Céntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The next moment, Duton and Trinity from the Elite Eight approached Godric to arrest him.

Godric was visibly shaken. “I am Mr. Tucker's subordinate! How dare you!

Regardless of his threats, Duton and Trinity had come up to Godric in no time. They twisted his arms behind him as they arrested him on the spot.Their act had stirred up the hornet's nest; the policemen, the Tuckers' bodyguards, and the Cabinet Bodyguards all burst out with anger.novelbin

Justin bellowed, “How dare you!”

Zem roared angrily too, “Let go of Mr. Orion!”

With that, the two charged toward Duton and Trinity.

Will and Colin reacted swiftly in defending the two Elite Eight members

The former charged against Justin while the latter resisted Zem's attack.

Since Will was the head of GuardianSpecial Forces while Justin was thehead of Brimmopolis' Police >Department, as it turned out, themilitary had beat the police forces i interms of fighting skills. Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

Will managed to defeat Justin with a punch of the fist in just two moves.

On the other Hand, a fierce battleunfolded between Colin and Zem.Both wereaggressive fighters, goinghead- to-head while exchanging. ~punches. In the end, Colin's kick:anded on Zem's head, sending himflyifg off to the ground. Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org

Justin and Zem's subordinates could not help but pull out their guns at that instant.

Standing behind Nathan, the two thousand soldiers from the Guardian Special Forces unanimously aimed their submachine guns at their rivals.Looking at those who were standing in front of him, Nathan uttered coldly, “So it seems like all of you have decided to stand up against us.”“Attention, all troops! Ready your weapons!” he ordered.

Following his order, the sound of soldiers loading their submachine guns rang out in unison.

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