Salute To The General

Chapter 1666
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Chapter 1666

Soon, Godric brought Caspian to meet Boris. Thereafter, they reported the situation to himBoris was so shocked that he nearly fell off his seat upon hearing the news.

Feeling exasperated, he roared, “You idiot! You're already aware that you've fallen into his trap:why are you here now?”

Godric and Caspian's expressions changed upon hearing his words

The former asked, "Mr. Tucker, do you mean to say that Nathan is here for Caspian?”

Caspian gabbled in a panic, "Perhaps I should leave immediately.”

Boris uttered coldly, “It's too late now. If I'm not

mistaken, Nathan has already arrived.”

Right then, the doorman came rushing in, bringing them the bad news. "Sir, General Nathan Cross, Director Reagon from the Secret Service, and WillLong from the Guardian Special Forces of Brimmopolis are seeking an audience with you. They have brought along with them a great number ofsubordinates.”

Throwing a glare at Godric and Caspian, Boris was quick to sneer, “See, you've led them over to my house.”

Sweat dotted Godric's forehead upon realizing that they had brought about trouble.

Caspian legs gave way as he knew that Nathan was here for him.

Boris ordered the doormen, “Ask the security guards to be on full alert. Then, tell Nathan that

I'm refusing all visitors. Ask them to leave this instant.”

“Yes, Sir!” the doorman replied.

Boris pondered for a moment before he reached out for the telephone to make two calls.

The first call was to request the Cabinet to send a thousand bodyguards from the Security Department to his house.

The second call was to seek the protection of police forces from Justin, the newly appointed head of the Police Department of Brimmopolis.In the meantime, Nathan, Hailey, and Will were waiting outside the house.

Will reported to Nathan, “General, we've besieged the Tucker family residence as per your orders. Not a single soul can set foot out of thisplace.

Nathan nodded. “Great!

On the other hand, Hailey looked a tad bit worried. "General, will Mr. Tucker allow us to conduct a search and make an arrest in his residence?”

With a smile, Nathan answered, "I'd wager that he is planning to bar us from entering; what more if it comes to conducting a search?

As soon as hevinished his words,the doormar\showed up andinformedshim reverently, “General, ->Mr, Tucker i is feeling under the Ssweather. He is getting some restrightnow, so he refuses any visitors.Yow should leave now." Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org

Nathan chuckled as he looked at Will and Hailey. “See, I told you!”

“General, what should we do now then?” Hailey asked softly.

Nathan turned to face the doorman.In a cold voicéshe ordered, “Tell Mr.Tucker thatthe S-Class criminalwhom theSecret Service and the =>military are going after is now in hisresidence. If Mr. Tucker refuses-togivens his cooperation, he will beresponsible for harboring afugitive.By hat time, we will entenby force toconduct a search and make anarrest.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Generally speaking, normal criminals were classified as A-Class and B-Class criminals, while S-Class criminals were those who posed a threat tonational security.

The doorman was well aware of the seriousness of the matter. His face turned pale upon hearing Nathan's words.

Before he cout enter to informBoris, Godristand hundreds ofbodyguards" in their black suits wereseen filirtg out of the residence. ~“How dt insolent! Who has given youthe sdurage and the right to breakinte the Tucker family residence?”

Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

At that instant, everyone turned to look at Nathan.novelbin

Nathan levelled an icy stare at Godric as he spoke, “I got the courage from the Constitution and the national law. Since Mr. Tucker refuses tocooperate, we will need to enter by force to make an arrest.”

“Yes, Sir!” Will, Hailey, and more than two thousand of the soldiers roared in unison.

Godric and the bodyguards stood in front of the gate, blocking the entrance. “Mr. Tucker is a member of the Great Cabinet. If you dare break into hishouse, we will definitely make you pay!

Just then, Justin showed up with more than two thousand policemen. Zem, too, arrived in time with five hundred Cabinet Bodyguards.

Justin bellowed, “It is a crime to trespass on private premises, let alone the residence of a Cabinet member. We will bar you from entering Mr.Tucker's house!

With that, Justin and the policemen joined forces with Godric to stand against Nathan and his subordinates.

Both parties were at a standoff in front of the Tucker family residence.

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