Salute To The General

Chapter 1630
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Chapter 1630

Taking in a few deep breaths, Cheryl tried her best to regain her composure.

After a short pause, she smiled at Nathan and said, “Aren’t we friends? It’s not that weird for me to come to meet you knowing that you came to Brimmopolis, is it?”novelbin

“Of course,” Nathan replied pleasantly.

“I’m going to Tiger Park tonight with some of the other bureaucrats of Brimmopolis to watch a match. How about you join us?” Cheryl continued, her expression becoming a little more serious.

Tiger Park was an underground boxing ring in Brimmopolis, where the strongest underground boxers in Eurasia gathered to compete.

Only the richest of the rich would be able to get their hands on the tickets to Tiger Park. The tickets were rumored to cost tens of thousands.

“I’m not too keen on underground matches. You should go ahead and have fun,” Nathan said. He was not very interested in watching underground boxing matches and wanted to keep a comfortable distance from Cheryl.

“No way! You have to come. I’ve placed a bet on the match tonight, a bet against Mr. Hagen! All of my friends have placed heavy bets. Now that you’ve finally come to Brimmopolis, you need to help me out! Hmph, Mr. Hagen has been getting too cocky for his own good!” Cheryl retorted.

As it turned out, there were different cliques amongst the bureaucrats too.

By Mr. Hagen, Cheryl was referring to Boris Tucker’s nephew, Hagen Tucker.

Hagen was well-adored by Boris, and he had always been treated like Boris’s own son. Amongst the bureaucrats of Brimmopolis, everyone joked that Hagen was Boris’s second son and really respected him.

President Winred had a long history with those bureaucrats in the likes of Boris Tucker, whether it was done in the open or in the dark.

Among the bureaucrats, Cheryl and Hagen were also not on very good terms, and one could say that they would always be at odds with one another.

The boxing match at Tiger Park was a good opportunity for the showdown between the biggest egos.

While Nathan was not particularly interested in the match itself, something was sparked off within him upon hearing Mr. Hagen being mentioned. He could not help but think back on the incident where Boris Tucker sent Quirrell Simmons after him, followed by Wilfred Lieberman.

It had come to his attention that he had not repaid all of those “favors” that the great Mr. Tucker had done him.

Pursing his lips, Nathan looked at Cheryl and said, “Seems like a lot is happening tonight. Well, I’d say that it wouldn’t be wise to miss out on it.”

Cheryl was more than happy to hear Nathan change his mind. “Oh, yes! I didn’t have any confidence at all, but with you coming along, I can’t be more confident about my bets! Come on in!” She gestured at her car.

“Hey, do you want to come along too?” Nathan asked, turning to look at Kylie

All that Kylie had on her mind was how dangerous it would be for Cheryl to spend time alone with Nathan. She clearly has ulterior motives! And so, upon hearing Nathan’s invitation, she said yes without a second of hesitation.

Hmph. I wouldn’t want you to lose yourself in the fun, Nathan. I’ll be there to watch the two of you.

With that, both Nathan and Kylie hopped on Cheryl’s Porsche, and they set off to Tiger Park.

On the way, Nathan asked, “Cheryl, you talked about you and Hagen placing some heavy bets for the match tonight. How much exactly are you betting?”

“Both of us are betting a hundred billion,” Cheryl replied calmly.

Upon hearing that number, not only was Kylie stunned, Nathan’s eyes also widened. “Wow, you sure are rich,” he remarked.

Shaking her head, Cheryl replied, “It’s not how it seems. My friends and I all contributed to putting together such a big sum of money. Hayden did the same too!”

Exhaling deeply, Nathan said, “Wow, I see that you bureaucrats are really serious about this showdown, huh?”

Cheryl pursed her lips. “Ever since the President fell ill, Mr. Hayden and his good friends have become too cocky and arrogant. He's always going against me at every chance he's got, and I simply can’t stand it. I've decided that I need to teach them a lesson. They need to know who the ones in charge of Brimmopolis are!"

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