Salute To The General

Chapter 1627
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Chapter 1627

After taking a few puffs of his cigarette, Nathan spoke again, “Tim, since you’re the one in charge of public security here, I’ll just leave it to you to take care of this situation. I was harassed by a few foreigners who called themselves members of The Cross Gang at the club last night. And now, these thugs have come for me directly. How are you going to resolve this case, officer?”

Thaddeus tensed up a little. His subordinates standing behind him also looked uneasy.

Thaddeus could tell that Nathan was someone of high status. However, at the same time, he was also quite convinced that he could get away with it. It could probably be settled with money. After all, he had spent years building connections in Brimmpolis.

Hence, even upon hearing Nathan’s words, Thaddeus was not particularly worried and still wore a subtle smirk on his face.

“Mr. Cross, these thugs wreaked havoc in public and I propose to detain them for three days.

How does that sound?” Timothy replied nervously.

“That’s it?” Nathan raised an eyebrow.

On the other hand, many of Thaddeus’s subordinates were already scared stiff.

They dreaded that kind of punishment worse than detainment, and yet Nathan did not seem satisfied with the arrangements at all.

Thaddeus felt rather triggered by Nathan’s remark. “What do you want? You little brat. Don’t tell me that you want to deport us out of the country? Hah... Don’t you even dream of that!”

The Cross Gang had barely settled down in Brimmpolis and had just gotten their businesses running. Being deported was the last thing that the gang members would want.

Panicking a little, Timothy quickly interjected, “Mr. Cross, how about a fifteen-day detainment?”

“Is that all?” Nathan smirked coldly and sat up.

“Timothy, do you need a revision of the laws of the country? Or are you practicing preferential treatment? Let me tell you this. I’m giving you one last chance to settle this in a rightful manner. If you fail to do so, I’ll call my own men to deal with this, and if we do come to that situation, they aren’t the only ones to be dealt with,” Nathan snarled.

Timothy could feel every muscle in his body tense up.

Evidently, Nathan was furious about the situation, and no one would be able to get away with their offenses that day.

If he were to keep up with his preferential treatment, he would be compromising his own future.

Breaking out in cold sweat, he replied, “Mr. Cross, I can settle this! I can settle this impartially!”

After a brief moment of hesitation, Timothy turned around to face the gang members, his expression stern. “Members of The Cross Gang. You have involved yourselves in illegal activities such as public fights and assaults. As the police of Brimmpolis, I hereby arrest all of you. Capital punishment awaits. You will be serving jail time. Arrest them all!” Content belongs to NovelDrama.Orgnovelbin

Instantaneously, the SWAT officers at the scene charged toward the gang members and cuffed them.

Thaddeus froze. Neither Thaddeus nor his subordinates had foreseen such a turn of events.

“We are foreigners. Your laws don’t apply to us. You have no right to arrest us! And no right to send us to jail either! I want to see my lawyer! I want to contact my country’s embassy!” Thaddeus protested as he struggled under the grip of the SWAT officers. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Just as he uttered those words, Nathan walked up to him in a flash.

The next thing he knew, Nathan was slapping him hard on his face, and his face was covered in blood.

His eyes widened. “How dare you hit me…”

“Yes, I am hitting you. We are in Brimmpolis right now. You have no rights here, and nothing shall be tolerated,” Nathan snapped at him coldly.

“Forget about you and your men trying to attack me. Coming here today was a mistake in itself. A mistake that would yield you a lifelong sentence. Oh, and by the way, your lawyer wouldn’t help you, nor would your country’s embassy. They can’t do a thing about this!” Nathan continued. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Thaddeus was utterly horrified.

Looking at Nathan with the expression of a frightened mouse, he asked, “Who... who in the world are you?"

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