Salute To The General

Chapter 1593
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Chapter 1593

Back in Brimmopolis, Clifford Davier stood inside his study as he observed the dark and ominoussky outside his window.

He had unknowingly dressed in a deep, slate grey that seemed to reflect the looming weather thathe saw approaching the area.

“A storm is brewing,” he muttered to himself with furrowed brows.

His nephew and the captain of his guard, Kyran, stood behind him and whispered, “Sir, Ms. Davier'sflight has been intercepted by Nathan's forces.”

“The aircraft just made an emergency landing in Alberesque of the South.”

Upon hearing this, Clifford's expression changednovelbin


Kyran lowered his voice again. “I think her behavior and that of Santiago have angered Nathan.”

“Nathan has already killed Santiago. If Ms.

Davier falls into his hands, the consequences would be disastrous.”

“Sir, you are still highly regarded. Why don't you contact Nathan yourself? I think he might consideryour request on those grounds.”

Upon hearing this, Clifford maintained his impassive expression.

Kyran realized that Clifford held onto his identity and his pride with steadfast commitment.Therefore, he would not have so openly interceded on his daughter's behalf.

As a member of the Great Cabinet, if he were to make such an audacious request, how would hebe able to keep his head up in public?

They both stood in silence before Clifford chose to respond.

Slowly, he said, “If my memory still serves, the commander-in-chief of that region is VadimNormandy, right?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I want you to tell Vadim that he is to keep her alive. No matter the cost. This is an order.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Meanwhile, Phoebe's aircraft and the two fighter jets from the Channing base had made asuccessful landing in the Alberesque airport.

The moment Phoebe and her party disembarked, they were picked up by a group of soldiers.

Soon, they found themselves being escorted to General Normandy's residence in the military base.

Vadim Normandy is a Commander-in-Chief!

The man was of impressive stature. He wore a short-sleeved shirt with black trousers and leathershoes. Despite his obvious beer belly, he looked majestic enough.

His entourage consisted of a group of his most trusted aid. All of them had chosen to welcomePhoebe in person.

Phoebe carried with her the air of a person who had just seen her last hope. “Mr. Normandy!” shesaid excitedly.

Vadim chuckled and said, “Greetings, Ms. Davier.

Now please, hurry inside.”

Everyone entered the living room as the host and his guests made themselves comfortable.

A housekeeper entered briefly to serve them some tea. After she left, Phoebe hurriedly recantedher reasons for seeking him out. “Mr. Normandy, I come to you in great desperation. I have wrongedNathan Cross, and he is now after my blood!”

“Please, I beg of you. You must save me!”

Vadim was already aware of her circumstances. He smiled and said reassuringly, “Don't worry, Ms.Davier. I'm well aware of the details.”

“I had just received a call from the Davier Residence asking that I do everything in my power tokeep you safe.”

“Mr. Davier has been nothing short of a benefactor to me. In fact, I regard him as I would my ownfather.” “Therefore, your predicament will be mine too. I will do my best and ensure that no harmcomes to you.

“Mr. Normandy, please arrange for me to return to Brimmopolis. Nathan can't touch me there!”

Vadim shook his head. “I'm afraid that won't be possible. As far as I know, he's on his way here aswe speak.”

“Alberesque is only three hundred kilometers away from Channing. He'll be here within an hour.”

“Moreover, Nathan Cross is on very friendly terms with Hailey Reagan, who is currently in charge ofthe Secret Service. The area would be crawling with agents by now. If you are going to run, you're

never going to make it out of here.”

Phoebe's eyes widened in panic. “But what am I going to do? I'm a sitting duck right now. I can'tpossibly just sit around and wait here for my own death, right?”

Vadim smiled. “Of course not. You won't be without protection. You have me.”

“When the time comes, just push all the blame on Santiago. Claim that you were beingmanipulated, and plead for your innocence.”

“I will also intercede on your behalf by using Mr. Davier's identity. By using both hard and softtactics, I think Nathan can only give up on holding you accountable, at best.”

Phoebe felt a little relieved after hearing this. “Then, my life is in your hands, Mr. Normandy.”

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