Salute To The General

Chapter 1535 A Personal Visit
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Chapter 1535 A Personal Visit

Axel's order had barely left his mouth when two of his Peacekeepers hurled themselves at Nathan,wielding primed submachine guns. They were grimly determined to arrest him at all costs.

Nathan just stood there calmly with an almost amused glint in his eyes. He made no attempt toescape. Before the two Peacekeepers could even get close to Nathan, Colin had appeared in frontof them in a blink.

Colin was famed for his lightning-fast reactions. His two fists flashed outwards, catching the twoPeacekeepers in surprise before they could even react.

The two loud cracks of Colin's fists colliding with the Peacekeeper's faces were almostsimultaneous.

The two Peacekeepers crumpled to the floor limply. Colin stood over their unconscious bodies anddusted his knuckles with a smirk.

Caught off guard badly, the surrounding Peacekeepers had never expected Nathan and his allies tohave the guts to put up a fight. They surged into action, attempting to crush the resistance before itcould begin. But it was too late; there was someone among Nathan and his allies who was simplytoo much faster than them.

Proving that her three-year title as the deadliest assassin was not earned idly, Ava, an assassin toend all assassins, leapt into action.

She was a terrifying ghost in her own right, slipping soundlessly through all the chaos in an instantto appear in front of Axel.

Anger and surprise burning in his chest, Axel raised the submachine gun in his hands.

The smile on Ava's face was nothing less than predatory. Before Axel could even pull the trigger,she had clamped her left hand around the muzzle of his gun and forced it upwards with terrifyingstrength. He had barely registered the incredulous feat when Ava's other hand, already clenched ina fist, hit him in the face.

Stars exploded across his vision. Axel felt his head snap backwards with the force of the blow.

He was bleeding freely where Ava's fist had landed. Red pooled across his face like an upturnedbox of watercolor.

Ava pried the gun from Axel's grip easily. She shoved the muzzle under his chin, commanding theother Peacekeepers' attention effortlessly. Their expressions ranged from fear to utter horror.Satisfied, Ava forced Axel's head upwards, exhibiting the gun at his throat. "No tricks, or yourcommanding officer will be the first one who dies today."novelbin

The Peacekeepers were stunned. They barely had time to blink before their commanding officerwas now held hostage. The situation was growing worse with each second that passed.

At this moment, even the remaining survivors of the Dark Temple who were kneeling on the ground-elders and elite soldiers among them-could not help but look down at Axel and his Peacekeepers.

Their mocking thoughts ran through a similar vein: How much wine did these idiotic Peacekeepersdrank, thinking they could actually take on the God of War?

In fact, they had a saying that worked exactly for this situation! These poor, poor fools were trying tosteal offerings from the altar of the Yama King. That was just asking for death.

Nathan looked upon Axel's bloodied face, courtesy of Ava. Despite all the carnage in the room,Nathan remained seemingly untouched, wearing the ineffable little smile that he knew irked otherpeople to no end. "A valiant effort, but obviously your troops still need more training."

Bloodied and broken as it might be, Axel's face still showed his fury rather adequately. But Avaprodded the gun under his chin threateningly, forcing him to swallow his pride. He had no words forNathan, knowing he was beaten.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Axel spat viciously.

"I have another platoon of Peacekeepers waiting outside. None of you will be leaving so easily."Axel closed his eyes. He sneered, "You might as well kill me now if you have the guts. If you don't,you'll still be captured by my people anyways. And mark my words, when that happens, they'll seeto it that you and all your allies will stand trial at the International Military Court."

There was a sudden angry shout from the direction of the ruined door. "Just what do you thinkyou're doing?"

The effect was instantaneous. Everybody turned their attention to the door. A tall and well-built manhad entered the room hurriedly, dressed in a Peacekeepers' uniform that marked him as a General.He was followed by a large number of his troops.

To the mixed horror and delight of the gathered people in the room, it was General Mason Zahn,High Director of the United Nations Peacekeepers.

General Zahn was a righteous man of the Nation through and through and he descended from awell-known military family. He held the prestigious post of the highest authority over the UnitedNations Peacekeepers.

But at the moment, his normally benevolent face was tight with anger as he yelled loudly at Axeland his other peacekeepers. "Are you out of your minds? The purpose of our current mission hereis to assist General Cross and his forces in eliminating the Dark Temple. And you, Jordan—what thehell are you even doing, fighting General Cross?"

"Put away your weapons now— all of you!" General Zahn's last words were a bellowed order.

A hurried clattering filled the room as the Peacekeepers present acknowledged the order andquickly lowered their weapons.

Seeing the change in the situation, Nathan nodded at Ava, who promptly let go of Axel.

Wiping away the blood on his face, Axel turned to face General Zahn with surprise and joy. "Sir, I'mglad to see you, but with all due respect, you put me in charge of this operation. What brings youout here personally?"

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