Salute To The General

Chapter 1534 Are You Kidding Me
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Chapter 1534 Are You Kidding Me

"You've been serving in the Dark Temple for three years now," Nathan said to Ava. "I trust you canidentify which of the people here have committed crimes of a magnitude that can't be pardoned andwhich of them still have a sliver of humanity left within them."

"Execute all the bastards who should not be pardoned. Leave the rest for the Peacekeepers. Theywill send them to the International Military Courts to stand trial.”

"Yes, sir.” Ava bowed.

It was not long before Ava had singled out quite a few people from the crowd present. They wereput to execution immediately amidst a storm of blood and fury.

Out of the remaining seventy people gathered, half of them had been grimly executed by Ava.

A sudden bang split the still air, and it was deafening in the silence. Wood splintered as metalgroaned torturously.

The door of the meeting room had been blown to bits by a bundle of small-scale explosive charges.

"Move, move, move!” A voice barked loudly. "Surround them immediately!"

A troop of Peacekeepers rushed into the meeting room through the smoking remains of the door,guns drawn and armed. They fanned out quickly, surrounding Nathan and his allies completely andboxing them in.

The leader was a young man clad in a smart uniform that identified him as the Major General of thePeacekeepers. The young man was from the Nation but carried himself in such a way thatsuggested he was from Ariarica.

Obviously, he was the commanding officer in charge of the Peacekeepers' current operation, AxelJordan.

Axel entered the room just in time to see Ava mercilessly shoot an elder of the Dark Temple in thehead.

Surprise and anger racing through his mind at the sight, Axel shouted. "Stop! Put your hands aboveyour heads now! Don't even think about moving or we'll shoot you."

Nathan raised an eyebrow at the sudden incomer. Flanked by Colin and his other underlings, heapproached the Peacekeepers with his most charming smile. "Greetings! If I'm not mistaken, youmust be Commander Jordan, commanding officer of this Peacekeeper operation."

"I'm Nathan Cross of the Nation, pleased to meet you." Nathan held his hand out in expectation of ahandshake, even as he spoke.

Instead, the unthinkable happened. Axel ignored Nathan's offered hand, not even dignifying himwith any response other than a cold accusation. "Don't flatter me. Your men have been killingpeople."

Nathan shot a glance at Ava before turning to face Axel. "Are you talking about her?"

He laughed, startling the Peacekeepers. "I'm sorry, but we came here with a purpose. We're here toeliminate the Dark Temple, not fool around."

"Is there a problem with us sending these sinners to hell? It's where they belong, after all."

Axel was beyond furious. "You don't get to decide whether they live or die— the law of the MilitaryCourts does! It's not up to you and it never will be."

"Also," Axel's eyes narrowed, "Don't think even for a second that just because you threw somedonations in our way and satisfied the leaders of the Peacekeepers, you can just trample all over usand do whatever you want. I won't allow it."

Nathan smiled. "But I wasn't ignoring you and doing whatever I wanted. You are the keepers of thepeace and I truly admire your dedication to uphold justice."

"But we are warriors and soldiers. And as soldiers, we cannot be blamed for killing our enemies."Here Nathan tilted his head defiantly and he clearly wanted to challenge Axel. "Truthfully, we are alljust doing our duties and what is expected of us."novelbin

That being said, Nathan could not help but laugh at Axel's stony expression.

"However, it might be true that your methods are gentler than ours."

Having said his piece, Nathan turned to his allies. He nodded at Colin, Ava and the Elite Eight."We're done here. Commander Jordan and his forces will take over and we should be going."

Before Nathan could even take another step forward, Axel stepped forth to stop him. "Not so fast."His eyes were narrowed. "I just witnessed your subordinate Ava kill someone barely five minutesago. That goes against every international law there is. She can't leave with you."

"In addition to that, my sources tell me that she was a professional assassin once." Axel's stone-carved expression grew even colder. "And apparently, she was at the top of the league as well. I'mtold her codename was S1. I'm sorry, but I can't allow her to leave with you. We're going to take herinto custody along with the others to stand trial at the International Military Court."

A dark cloud rolled over Nathan's formerly unthreatening expression.

He levelled a deliberately cool look at Axel. "Are you kidding me?"

"If only I was," Axel said, just as icily. "But I haven't even gotten started on you-allowing your owntroops to kill prisoners of war? You'll have to come with me for investigation too."

"Men!" Axel raised his voice. "Arrest Nathan Cross and all of his allies!"

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