Salute To The General

Chapter 1515 Let Me Gauge Your Ability
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Chapter 1515 Let Me Gauge Your Ability

Very soon, Nathan Cross and July Hardson arrived next door with all of their people followingbehind.

In the room next to theirs was a room for combat sports. In the middle of the room, there was evena boxing ring in the shape of a octagon.

July stomped onto the ring and smiled at Nathan disparagingly, "Let's not play any complicatedgames and just have a good fight."

"The winner will be the representative for our nation. If you die in this ring, it's your problem. It's yourown risk to take."

A few of the traders at the scene knew how strong July was and didn't plan on challenging him.

With everyone's attention on him, Nathan walked onto the elevated platform with his usualcomposed self. He put on a gentle smile. "Alright. Let me gauge your ability as a fighter."

July growled in a deep voice and pranced towards Nathan like a tiger in hunting. Right away, hethrew a flying punch at Nathan.

The punch was a powerful one as it cut through the air neatly, leaving gusts of wind in its trail.

July was indeed a capable fighter, but in front of Nathan, the tiger that he was had manifested as amere kitten.

Nathan swerved his waist to the side and dodged July's punch with ease.

July had missed his hit, but immediately his leg swung towards Nathan's position. Still, Nathandodged his second strike gracefully.

In a single breath, he had unleashed ten strikes at Nathan but none of them even grazed Nathan'sshirt.

He was both startled and incensed. "Rascal! If you have got guts, then come and fight me! Don'tonly dance around!"

Nathan chortled, "If you say so!"

Immediately, Nathan made his first strike.

He flung his fist at July in a flash.

The fist floated like a butterfly in the air, but only after it made its way into July's scruffy face did Julyrealize the pain it brought. July came to a realization of what he was facing.

His face twisted as he moaned in pain. He garnered all of his energy in one fist and threw it atNathan.


The two men's fists collided.

Nathan did not budge at all and instead had a leisurely look on his face.

A soul-dreading pain drilled itself out from July's tibia. In an instant, his arm was completely numb.

From the depths of his eyes, a pure horror was eminent.

The 'nobody' in front of him was way too strong for him to deal with.

He engaged every single muscle fiber in his body to regain his stance and stop himself from fallingoff the ring.

He bit down the pain he had sustained and said to Nathan, "You sure are an experienced fighter tomake me come into a draw with you."

"Even though our ability to fight is almost equal, I admire your youthful ardor and hence, I am willingto let you represent us in the main auction hall instead."

All of the other traders were not able to process the fight they had witnessed just now. They wereunable to see that July had suffered a crushing defeat as Nathan had not gone all in.

Thus, the lot of them were very confused by July's sudden change in personality from a barbarichothead to a polite gentleman.

However, with their ample experience in combat, Colin and Frida had noticed the swelling on theback of July's hand and the fact that he was unable to raise his right arm.

The two of them knew right away that July was injured in the match just now but was too arrogant toadmit his defeat. He must have put on a mask of cordiality to cover his fear for Nathan's wrath.

Colin and Frida wanted to break into laughter at that thought but they quickly suppressed it.

Penny, who was standing at one side, was relieved once she had witnessed her husband's victory.

Nathan had a playful smirk on his face as he patted July's shoulder. "Alright then. I will be the one torepresent everyone in the market later."novelbin

"Don't worry, I won't take a single cent from you all, and I will make sure to secure the best deals forall of us."

July's face contorted in disbelief after hearing Nathan's words.

Meanwhile, a few of the traders were full of glee as they went ahead one by one to thank Nathanprofusely.

Before leaving the arena, July muttered to Nathan, "I must say, you are quite a generous person fornot taking any commission from us."

"However, the Feast of the Gods is only meant for the big-shots to exchange goods betweenthemselves."

"As for someone who is not in the Leaderboard of Battle gods and also not a big dealer like SpencerTucker, it is delusional of you to think that you can get a good deal.”

Nathan only smiled back at July. "Hehe. Nothing can ever be of absolute certainty in this fickle worldwe live in. You never know whether or not I might get us good prices at the end of the day."

July and the rest of the traders stared at Nathan in total confoundment. They were unable to fathomhow Nathan could have so much confidence in himself.

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