Salute To The General

Chapter 1514 Is Your Name On The Leaderboard
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Chapter 1514 Is Your Name On The Leaderboard

Night had fallen and the city lights were starting to light up one by one.

On Kyoto's busiest street, batches of expensive cars took turns driving into a spacious andglamorous building.

Around the building were several men clad in black suits. They were the guards of the building.

Nathan Cross, Penny Smith, Colin Dunne as well as Frida Hampton also drove into the front yard ofthe building in their Lexus along with all the luxurious cars.

However, they were halted by a suited man.

Colin flashed him an invitation pass which he had gotten from his connections and smiled whileintroducing, "We are traders from the neighboring nation."

After verifying the authenticity of their invitation pass, they identified Nathan as Mr. Cross, a regularfirearms trader from overseas, and welcomed them in. "Oh, it's Mr. Cross, I see! You guys go aheadand

have a fun night!”

Nathan and the rest drove into the front yard of the building and was immediately greeted by a fewmaids who were dressed in kimono.

After the maids asked Nathan for his identity, they brought them to another hall.

In the hall, there were also a few traders from the same nation as Nathan. All of them only ownedsmall businesses in the firearms market.

It turned out that other than the people on the Leaderboard of Battle gods, the Feast of the Godswas also attended by several firearms traders who were top dealers in the market. They were alsoallowed into the main auction hall.novelbin

The rest of the smaller traders were to gather at one side to select one representative who wouldrepresent them all in the main auction hall.

Nathan was arranged to sit with the traders from his nation.

All of the traders were in a discussion to select a representative to sell their goods in the main hall.

When they saw Nathan, they stared at him for a while before blurting out, "Hey, who are you? Youdon't look familiar to me at all! Are you also from our nation?"

Nathan greeted them politely, "I've just reached here. Nice to meet all of you!"

The crowd was sizing Nathan up. The head of the bunch seemed to be a bearded burly man. Themuscles all over his body were bulging, which reflected his overpowering strength as a fighter.

The name of this bearded man was July Hardson, a trader who had a small-scale business infirearms.

He grinned at Nathan, "We are now selecting someone to represent our nation in the main hall laterto bargain a good price for our weapons."

"Do you have a name on the Leaderboard of Battle gods, little brat?"

Nathan chuckled lightly, "Why does it matter whether our names are on the leaderboard of Battlegods or not if we are just traders?"

July replied in a tone marked with annoyance, "Of course it matters! If you are the world's top battlegod, then your name will be highly revered across the globe. Buyers will tend to think that yourgoods are of top quality, not to mention the market connections and reliable warranty that comeswith it."

"The firearms business has always been a game reserved for the moguls at the top. Small traderslike us are just picking up scraps left behind by them. Now tell me, do you still think a person'sstatus doesn't matter?"

Nathan smiled and nodded, "A game reserved for the moguls? Understood."

July narrowed his eyes and responded, "So what is your rank on the Leaderboard of Battle gods?"

Nathan laughed, "I'm sorry, my name is not

on the board."

July and the rest exploded in anger.

July yelled at Nathan, "So you're just a rookie here? God, I wish I had not spent so much time tryingto explain stuff to you."

"Okay, let's cut the crap and get down to business. I will be representing us."

"Just hand me a list of all your goods and I will fight for a good price for everything we have on thelist at the Feast of the Gods."

"After all transactions are done, I will take thirty percent of your earnings as my commission. It is afair arrangement, right?"

Nathan asked out of curiosity, "What gives you the right to be our representative?"

"Also, isn't it too ridiculous that you will be charging thirty percent of our earnings for yourcommission? You're only going to be there for a few hours." "Anyway, did you see Spencer Tuckeraround?"

July's face darkened, "Why do you have so many questions?"

"Spencer Tucker is a big dealer and the lot of us are merely small traders."

"He is qualified to enter the main auction hall right away, so why would he want to mix and minglewith us?"

"As for why I am the representative, that is because I am the most capable seller among everyonehere. Since I am the best bet you guys have, I don't think it's too ridiculous if I come up with acommission for myself."

"Any more questions, little brat?"

Nathan smiled and said, "I do have one question. How could you represent us when I have alreadyset my mind on representing all of you?"

"I am ready to meet with all of the bosses in the main hall later."

July Hardson and the rest were completely dumbstruck by the absurdity of Nathan's statement.

They had met a lot of reckless people in their trade, but this was the first time they had seensomeone with aspirations as high as Nathan's, not to mention he was a total newbie here.

July Hardson cracked up, "You want to be the representative for our nation? Alright! Let's fight forthe right in the ring next door!"

"If you can defeat me, all of us will go along with what you want.”

"In our circle, the toughest person will be the one who calls all of the big shots."

Nathan's eyes glowed with excitement as he replied with a smile, "Alright!"

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