Salute To The General

Chapter 1392 Do Not Burn Your Bridges
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Chapter 1392 Do Not Burn Your Bridges

Thankfully, Colin, who was always observant, noticed what the bandits were up to and got ahead ofthem.

The veteran marksman reached for his gun immediately. He hesitated no more and fired severalconsecutive shots instantly. It wasn't even necessary for him to take aim at his targets.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

The bandits by Victor's side were taken down instantaneously because Colin managed to put abullet through each of their heads.

Victor couldn't believe it—Nathan's subordinates were insanely strong. They were a bunch ofcapable fighters, and Colin, especially, was a master marksman.

He couldn't help but doubt Nathan's identity because the latter didn't seem like an ordinarybusinessman at all. His face grew increasingly pale the more he wondered about Nathan'sbackground.

The bandits were used to putting on an intimidating front before ordinary folks, but they were easilyunnerved by those superior to them.

Victor's underlings fled after they witnessed Colin and the Elite Eight showcasing their capabilities.

Victor was actually about to flee as well, but Colin had been keeping an eye on him so he couldn'tpossibly run away from the sharp-shooter.

He turned around and looked at Nathan with a horrifying look. Victor tried to talk his way out andtold Nathan, "Hey, you shouldn't burn your bridges, or else things will get to the point of no return forus. I'm sure you don't want that either, right?"

Nathan, who was initially quite a distance away, somehow showed up in front of Victor the momenthe finished his sentence.

Before Victor could grasp the situation, Nathan had already slapped him in the face.


Victor's lips bled as he was sent flying by Nathan's powerful slap. In the end, he fell to the groundwith a few broken teeth.

"Seriously? Do you think I have to establish any sort of relationship with bandits like you?" Nathanasked rhetorically in a callous tone.

Nathan wasn't kidding: there were only a selected few with whom he would consider worthy ofestablishing a relationship. These people included Zach Hill, the General of the South; LucasZiegler, the General of the West; and Elijah Lowe, the General of the East.

Nathan found Victor's words hilariously appalling because Victor was suggesting that Nathan shouldbecome friends with an inferior bandit like himself.

In actual fact, Victor was not a weakling, but even he did not realize he would not be able towithstand a slap from Nathan.

He looked at Nathan in fear and asked with a stutter, "W-Who the hell are you?"

"I'm sure someone has sent you to come after me, right? Didn't he tell you my actual identity?"Nathan looked at Victor and asked indifferently.

Victor's expression changed drastically all of a sudden. He was baffled, and finally realized heseemed to have been made use of by others.

At the same time, Nathan detected a strong murderous intent coming from behind him as he tried tointerrogate Victor to figure out who had sent him.

Nathan's rich experience on the battlefield gave him a strong hunch that something dangerous wascoming his way at that very moment. As a result, he, who had been standing still, suddenly moved astep to the side.

A gunshot could be heard as soon as Nathan shifted his position. In fact, the bullet whizzed byNathan's side as he was on the move.

The bullet that was going after Nathan sent Victor to hell instead, because Nathan managed toevade the shot in the nick of time. Therefore, Victor fell victim to the sniper while Nathan got awayunscathed.

The sniper hiding in the dark found it absurd. Damn it! Why the hell did he move all of a sudden? Ihad my eyes on him all this time!

The sniper was about to aim at Nathan once again when Colin got ahead of him and fired a shot inthe sniper's direction before he could achieve his goal.

It turned out Colin had taken note of the presence of a sniper the moment Nathan evaded theattack.novelbin

Immediately, he found the sniper through the reflection of his scope. He reached for his gun andtook aim at the sniper. The moment he secured his target, he fired a shot without hesitation.


Colin's shot sent the sniper's scope shattering into pieces. The bullet did not stop there; it insteadtraveled all the way through the sniper's head, dragging him to hell.

Colin then instructed the Elite Eight, "There are hitmen hiding in the dark. I want four of you to followme to take them out immediately. The other four of you, protect the general!"

Colin gave his order as such because four members of the Elite Eight were extremely skilled inbeing offensive, whereas the other four excelled in defense.

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