Salute To The General

Chapter 1383 What Bet Will Mister Leeroy Place
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Chapter 1383 What Bet Will Mister Leeroy Place

Nathan's eyebrows remained furrowed.

Not only was it because Lucifer was pitting two death row inmates against each other, but alsobecause these two inmates identity was quite special.

One used to be a retired soldier from his army, and the other used to be part of the Leeroy family.

This fight was a challenge thrown at Nathan. He wanted one of Leeroy family's men to defeatNathan's soldier in his face.

Nathan calmly said, "Mr. Leeroy, don't you think this is rather appropriate?”

Lucifer waved his hands dismissively as he chortled, "What's so inappropriate about this? AlthoughI'm no longer a soldier, the President has given me a desk job. I'm the vice-mayor in Bossania City.My job is simple; all I need to do is to deal with minor matters like public security, culture, education,and health. The Northern Prison is also under my jurisdiction. I'm in control of the death rowinmates. If I say that this is appropriate, then it's appropriate."

Lucifer was a high-ranking military officer who was transferred to a desk job.

According to the military rules, a military officer who was transferred from an active-duty unit to adesk job would usually have a promotion.

For example, if a major were transferred to a desk job, they would be promoted to lieutenantcolonel.

However, there was a limit to this.

The highest position for a desk job was a major general.

Hence, after transferring to a desk job, Lucifer still held the title of a major general.

However, he used to be a major general in the army, and the Leeroy family were royalties in theNorth. Their family members and followers were all over the nation.

Many in the army were closely related to the Leeroy family.

Therefore, there were two secret factions in the North Army—the new powers, with Nathan as theleading man, and the old powers, who were connected with the Leeroy family.

Furthermore, Lucifer was the leading man of the old powers.

Hence, although he was now the vicemayor of Bossania City, he was the one with the authority tomake decisions, not the mayor. In other words, he was the true leader of Bossania City.

After hearing Lucifer's explanation, Nathan kept quiet.

If he continued to pursue this matter, Lucifer would be revealed as he had abused his authority.

However, Nathan was back in the North this time to look for evidence against Lucifer for Wyatt'scase so that he would be punished appropriately. Only by doing that, he would be able to answer tothe task given to him by the old President.

In comparison with his other crimes, abusing his authority was something very minor.

That was why Nathan did not continue with the topic.

Lucifer raised his wine glass and seeped its contents with a smile. "General, since we're watching agladiator fight, it won't be as exciting if we don't place our bets, right?"

Nathan answered, "Oh? What bet will Mr. Leeroy place?"

The other man smiled before clapping three times.novelbin

Instantly, his right-hand man, Orlando, brought a quaint antique sword to Nathan.

Lucifer muttered, "This sword is called Dragon mauler. It is extremely sharp, and it can slice througha strand of hair even if when it's in midair. It's one of the legendary weapons in a war. I'll be bettingwith it."

Nathan looked at the sword and muttered, "It is beautiful."

Then, Lucifer looked at him with a smile that did not quite reach his eyes. "I wish to use this swordto bet the military dagger bestowed to you by the President, Snow sphere."

Snow sphere!

Nathan furrowed his brows but anger was written all over the faces of Colin and the Elite Eight.

Snow sphere was a decorated military dagger that was given to Nathan by the old president whenNathan rose to the rank of a General.

The knife was thin and sharp, and it could be concealed easily in the sleeves.

Many foreign assassins had tried to attack Nathan in the past, and all he needed to do was to swingit. The blade would glint, and the enemies would collapse in a puddle of blood in pieces.

On the other hand, Nathan would remain standing proudly.

From then on, the dagger had gained an elegant name, Snow sphere.

Snow sphere was gifted to Nathan by the old president when he became the commander-in-chief ofthe North Army.

It was a symbol of his status, and also a symbol of honor.

To request for Nathan's Snow sphere meant that he was an extremely ambitious man. Even Colinand the Elite Eight could sense how aggressive he was.

Unable to hold himself back, Colin fumed, "Watch your words!"

Immediately, Orlando shouted back, "Watch your mouth! Sire is talking to your general. Who do youthink you are to speak at a time like this?"

Lucifer ordered, "Stand down, Orlando."

"Yes, Sire!"

In an instant, Orlando stood quietly by Lucifer's side.

Turning to Nathan, Lucifer apologized, "General, I hope you won't take his terrible manners to heart.I will educate him after this. However, if you're not confident of your soldiers, then let's not place ourbets. Let's just watch the fight then."

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