Salute To The General

Chapter 1382 A Gladiator Fight
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Chapter 1382 A Gladiator Fight

Soon, Orlando and his men were back in their cars, and they led the way.

Nathan and his men were in their jeeps as they followed behind closely.

In less than an hour, they arrived at the Leeroy Estate.

The Leeroy Estate was built on a mountain, and the asphalt road up was lined with street lampsmade of white jades. The decor was exceptionally extravagant, and it was a stark contrast against adesolated city like Bossania.

It felt as if they were back at the South.

Soon, their cars reached the front gates of the Leeroy Estate.

The heavy gates slowly opened, and the cars swarmed in.

The front yard was as large as two soccer fields.

A mighty and cool-looking man, Lucifer Leeroy, was in casual clothes as he led his family membersand almost a thousand men armed in sword in wait for Nathan's arrival.

When the car came to a stop, Nathan stepped out of the car.

Orlando smiled, "This way, General."

Nathan nodded in response as he led Colin and the Elite Eight in following him.

The moment Nathan stepped in, a tall swordsman abruptly pulled out his sword and twirled it as heshouted, "Welcome, God of War!"

The eight hundred swordsmen, who stood in two lines, then roared in unison, "Welcome, God ofWar!"

They were welcoming him, but every one of them had their hands on the handle of their swords astheir eyes fixed on Nathan. It was as if they were ready for a battle.

Any ordinary person who was the target of attention of a large crowd would be frightened.

There were close to a thousand swordsmen, who placed their hands on the handle of their swords.At the same time, they were glaring at Nathan, and it was a rather terrifying sight.

However, Nathan remained calm and collected. In fact, his lips were curled in an ambiguous smile.

He leisurely walked over with his men.

Lucifer remained still in his spot with his family and subordinates until Nathan had come close tohim. Only then did he plaster on a wide smile on his face and greeted him.

"Haha! General, it really is you. You have graced us with your presence."

Nathan smiled. "I should be the one saying that. You have welcomed me with such a grandceremony.”

Lucifer chuckled, "These swordsmen are the elites of the Leeroy family. I've specially arranged forthem to welcome you. What do you think of them, General?"

The smile remained on Nathan's face as he answered, "Not bad. They're all good men. As good asthe men who were sent to the country down under three hundred years ago, and they're befitting ofa man like you."

Upon hearing his words, Lucifer's expression darkened as fury flashed across his eyes.

He had instructed his swordsmen to show off their prowess in front of Nathan, hoping to frighten thelatter.

However, not only was Nathan unafraid, but he even mocked him and his men as the outlaw.

While it was true that many men from the country down under lived a successful life later on, butthey were all ex-convicts.

Nathan even suggested that he was befitting to be their leader.

It seemed like Nathan was praising him, but he was actually mocking him.

Wrath was burning ferociously in him, but the smile on his face widened. He laughed, "General.Please stop with your praises. The dishes are ready and served. Let's compete to see which one ofus can drink the other down the table tonight. Let's go."

Nathan nodded. "Please lead the way, Mr. Leeroy."

So Leeroy led everyone to the living room, where the dishes were already served on the table.

Lucifer and Nathan then took their seats accordingly.

When dinner started, Lucifer said to Nathan, "It's boring to have a silent dinner. Hence, I'veprepared a performance for us while we eat. I hope you will enjoy it with me."

The corner of Nathan's lips turned upward. "What performance? A display of swordsmanship?”

Lucifer chuckled, "This isn't a trap, and I'm not planning an assassination. Why would it be a displayof swordsmanship? The performance is one of the nobles' favorites, gladiator fight!"

Right then, Lucifer's men brought two men into the room.

One was tall and skinny with a determined look, and the other was a burly man with bulgingmuscles.

Lucifer explained to Nathan, "These two are death row inmates from the Northern Prisons. The tallone is Hogan Jameston. He used to serve in the North Army. The burly one is Craig Lammas, andhe used to be one of my subordinates. Tonight, we shall pit them against each other in a gladiatorialfight. The winner shall have a two-year suspension to his death sentence, while the loser will dietonight."

Colin was surprised when he saw Hogan. Leaning toward Nathan, he whispered, "Hogan used tobe a member of the National Guards. He retired from the military with Thomas. I don't know whyhe's here.”

Nathan knitted his brows.

With the smile still on his face, Lucifer looked at Nathan. "One of them is from the North Army, andthe other is from the Leeroy family. Let's see if your soldier is better than the one under my training."

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