Salute To The General

Chapter 1341 Promise Me You Will Stay Safe And Sound
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Chapter 1341 Promise Me You Will Stay Safe And Sound

Nathan had just sent Kenneth Greene and the others off when Penny Smith sauntered to his sideand asked warmly, "Hubby, you okay?"

Nathan reassured her, "Yep, I'm fine!"

After learning of her husband's state of mind, Penny couldn't help but asked, "Are we still visiting theShrine of Tenryu for a blessing?"

As it turned out, Nathan and Peggy had recently started on their list of things to do for theirwedding.

Originally, the wedding was supposed to be held earlier, as promised by Nathan. However, it waspostponed due to Penny's chaotic work schedule and the fact that Nathan was in mourning.

It wasn't until now that they had finally come to an agreement that both of them are ready toundergo the wedding ceremony.

Benson and Leah were beyond excited when they received news that Nathan and Penny weregoing to have a wedding ceremony. After all, which parent wouldn't want to see their daughter getmarried in a ceremonious and glamorous wedding?

Even though Benson and Leah had long accepted Nathan into their household, they still felt that hismarriage with their daughter was not complete as there wasn't any sort of ceremony held back then.They regretted not being able to invite their close friends and relatives over to officially witness thewedding of their child.

Hence, they were over the moon to hear that Nathan and Penny were finally going to have thewedding ceremony they had missed out on.

The couple was going to a shrine for blessings before their actual wedding ceremony as it was along-time practice in their families. They had figured that their wedding would only be complete ifthey honored the customs in their households.

This day, Nathan, Penny as well as Benson and Leah had arranged for a visit to the

Shrine of Tenryu to ask for blessings from a saint.

However, just when they were about to set off, Nathan apologized to Penny, "Sorry darling,something urgent just turned up. Could you and your parents go to the shrine for the blessingwithout me instead?"

Penny's tongue got stuck in her throat. Receiving a blessing from the saint is such an importantritual for the newlyweds in the Smith household, would it be appropriate for Nathan to sit out of it?

Yet, she had an inkling that Nathan had something serious going on.

No matter what happened, she had total faith in Nathan.

Since Nathan had chosen not to tell her about his situation, he must have his reasons. Thus, Pennydecided to stay out of it and merely nodded instead, "Alright!"

Nathan put on his jacket and was about to leave the house when Peggy halted him,

"Hubby, wait a second!”

Nathan paused and asked in puzzlement, "What's up, darling?"

"Your collar is not straight!"

Peggy scurried over and stood in front of Nathan. She helped him straighten out his collar anduttered softly, "Hubby, the wedding ceremony will be happening soon after we receive our blessings

from the saint."

"My mom has gotten a prosperous date from a numerology practice. If there isn't any suddenchanges of events, can we have our wedding on that day?"

Nathan nodded, "Of course!"

Penny cast a soft gaze upon his husband, "Hubby, our wedding is just around the corner. Promiseme you will stay safe and sound." "If you have anything that you can't handle, just tell me alright?We're a team."

Nathan lifted Penny's chin up and gave her ruby lips a kiss. With a reassuring smile on his face, hesaid, "Don't worry, my darling. I promise I won't get myself into any trouble. All you need to do iswait for the day you become the happiest bride in the world!"

Penny was flushing as she responded shyly, "Okay!"

As Nathan stepped out of the house, Colin Dunne and the Elite Eight were already waiting for himwith a car in his driveway.

Nathan boarded the vehicle and ordered Colin, "We are going to Channing's military base.”

"Yes sir!"

Very soon, Nathan and his men arrived at the military base in Channing.

Franklin Wilson came out to welcomed them with a few of his soldiers, "General, you're here too!"

Nathan was confounded, "What do you

mean I'm here too?"

"Was anyone here before me?"

Franklin flashed a wry smile, "Sergeant Greene from the Secret Service was here."

After passing through the main entrance, Nathan and Franklin headed straight for the office. Ontheir way there, Nathan finally asked, "Why was he here?"

Previously, when Franklin was holding a post in the North, Nathan had looked after him. Hence, hewas willing to spill everything to Nathan, "He asked a lot of questions, most of which pertained toyou."

Nathan nodded, "Wyatt's location is currently unknown, and there's a big possibility that he's dead.Sergeant Greene must have been assigned with the task of investigating the matter. He must befeeling stressed out since it's such a difficult case."

"I was indeed in a fight with Wyatt before, so it's reasonable for Greene to have suspicions aboutme. So just answer all his questions truthfully, Franklin."

Franklin answered, "Yes sir!"novelbin

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