Salute To The General

Chapter 1340 Suspected Of Murder
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Chapter 1340 Suspected Of Murder

Kenneth Greene!

He had been the king of intelligence gathering, and the manager of the secret service. He washighly trusted by the President.

His deployment to Channing could only mean one thing - things have gone out of control.

Nathan's heart sank.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Leah opened the door to reveal a tall person with a square face and intimidating eyes. He stood atthe door with two of his subordinates behind him.

"You are...?" Leah asked.

Kenneth Greene shot her a professional smile.

"My name is Kenneth Greene. I'm here to talk to Nathan Cross," He answered.

"You're Nathan's friend?" Leah asked as she stepped aside to let him into the house.

Kenneth glanced at the interior of the house as he answered, "Yes, and no."

Leah could smell something fishy about this guy.

Nathan had returned from the balcony.

"Mom, they're my friends! I'll entertain them," Nathan said.

He extended a hand to Kenneth. "Long time no see, Sergeant Greene."

Instead of shaking his hand, Kenneth simply looked at Nathan and said, "I haven't been doing well.We've been overworked since last night."

He surveyed the surroundings again and asked, "Is this a good place to talk?"

Kenneth was the fiercely loyal right-hand man of the President with an iron resolve.

He used to be rather friendly to Nathan, but he seemed to be keeping his distance this time around.

Nathan could tell Kenneth was suspicious of him.

However, Nathan had nothing to hide and nothing to fear.

"Let's go to my study," Nathan offered.

He then led Kenneth and his party to his study room.

Penny brought them some tea before excusing herself.

Soon, Nathan, Kenneth and his subordinates were the only people left in the study.

Instead of trying out the tea, Kenneth stared straight into Nathan's eyes and asked, "I'm sure youknow why I'm in Channing, don't you, General?"

Nathan nodded. "Wyatt has gone missing." "I don't think it's as simple as 'going missing'," Kennethsaid gravely. "He lost a lot of blood, enough to kill him."

"You think I killed Wyatt?" Nathan asked, making eye contact with Kenneth.

Kenneth evaded his question and asked, "I heard you and Wyatt had a massive disagreement theother day, and he called you a slave of the family. You even killed Andy Jordan."

"That's not false, but both of us have been holding back. Besides, I won't kill him," Nathan said."You trust me, don't you?"

"I do, but no one else does. Everyone believes you're the one who killed Wyatt," Kenneth said. "Infact, we couldn't find a single trace of the killer at the scene, which only fueled the speculations thatyou had been the one who killed him. After all, you're perfectly capable of doing so."

"What do the President and the First Lady think?" Nathan asked.novelbin

"They have no comment. They're in mourning now," Kenneth answered.

"I'll give the President a call!” Nathan said.

"Don't," Kenneth said. "Do it only after you prove your innocence. Besides, he'll contact you himselfif he wants to talk to you.”

Nathan froze. The President and Aunt Camilla don't trust me?

"I'll be staying in Channing for a while to investigate the case. I hope you cooperate with us,General," Kenneth said as he got up from his seat. "I shall take my leave now."

Nathan offered to show him the way out, but Kenneth shook his head. "No need for that."

He hesitated for a moment more before leaning forwards and whispering into Nathan's ear,"Nathan, things might not be working in your favor right now, so be prepared. I certainly hope wecan identify the killer as soon as possible. If not, you'll be in deep trouble."

Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.

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