Salute To The General

Chapter 1287 What Attitude Is That
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Chapter 1287 What Attitude Is That

Nathan and Colin went to the hospital together, along with Ronan.

Ronan led them to Ward 503, only to realize that his wife Linda, who was supposed to be on Bed 3,was nowhere to be seen!

There was a different patient at Bed 3!

Shocked and angry, Ronan stopped the doctors and nurses that had just entered to do their roundsand demanded, "Wasn't my wife Linda Brown here? Why is it a different patient now? Where haveyou brought my wife to?"

The doctor was a plump middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses.

He pushed his glasses up and proclaimed coldly, "You haven't paid your dues for two weeks andyou owe us about twenty thousand. When we'd stopped her medication, we'd already reminded youthat if you hadn't paid on time, we wouldn't be able to keep this room for your wife as well. As ofnow, she has been moved over to the corridor. Poor people like you should just go back to thecountryside, to wait for your death if you can't afford medical treatment. Stop taking up space in ourhospital!"

Ronan was both taken aback and angered!

Nathan's face fell. He took a look at the doctor's pass with the name, Keegan Grayson, clearlyprinted on it.

Nathan assured him icily, "We will clear the outstanding payment, but you have to immediatelyresume the patient's treatment. Otherwise, I will hold your hospital accountable."

Keegan smirked, "Let's talk after we see the money. Every time we'd sent you a reminder, you'dsaid that you were about to do it. How long has it been? How dare you continue to lie before me?

Get out of my face and don't interrupt my work any longer!"

Nathan's face was grim as he instructed Colin to pay the fees.

Ronan headed to the corridor to look for

his wife.

There were plenty of patients in this hospital and there was a shortage of hospital beds. Therefore,there were a number of patients who were forced to reside, in the corridor.

Eventually, Ronan and Nathan found Linda at the end of the corridor, lying on a simple stretcherbed, before the public washroom.

Linda was unconscious as she had a brain tumor.

She was completely pale and lifeless.

Ronan gripped her hand as his tears fell uncontrollably.

Nathan whispered, "What illness does she have?"

Ronan choked, "Brain tumor. The doctor says that the tumor has grown in a very tricky position. Thesurgery carries a very small success rate, and the fee will be astronomical. Not only do I notpossess that kind of money, rather, but I am also afraid that the surgery will fail. Therefore, I'veopted for passive treatment. However, I did not expect her condition to worsen, and I have alsoused up all my savings..."

Nathan comforted him, "Let me settle this!"novelbin

By now, Colin was back, as he announced that he had already cleared all the outstandingpayments.

Meanwhile, Keegan appeared, along with a few nurses after carrying out their rounds.

Nathan immediately stopped him in his tracks and murmured in a low voice, "We have alreadycleared all the outstanding payments. Please arrange for a room for my teacher's wife. Then,resume her treatment immediately."

Keegan scanned Nathan from head-to-toe before tossing a glance towards Ronan and Colin. Hesmirked, "Ah, so, I see that you've cleared all the outstanding payments. However, have you madepayment for the upcoming fees as well? If

you don't have the money, are you going to keep owing us fees? My advice is to give up on thetreatment and bring her back to the countryside to wait for her death. That way, you'll be able tosave a large sum of money, for yourself!"

Nathan flew into a fury, "We will not owe you any bit of the medical fees. I request that you arrangea room for her immediately."

Keegan sniggered, "Hoho, but your patient has already been kicked out of the room. It is impossibleto move her back in now, and she would need to rejoin the queue."

Ronan could not help but ask, "How long is the queue?”

Keegan sneered, "I don't know. Just wait for the notification."

Nathan queried coldly, "What kind of attitude is this?”

Keegan sneered, "Well, this is my attitude, like it or not. Do you see the patients in this corridor?They can afford the medical

fees, but they too are in line for a room."

Ronan grew anxious. "Doctor, you're aware that my wife's condition is very serious, and she hasbeen hospitalized for a long time. This place is right in front of the toilet with plenty of bacteriaaround. Could you please do her a favor and see if you can help her arrange for a room?"

Keegan pursed his lips. "No way!"

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