Salute To The General

Chapter 1286 Your Background Has Saved You Once
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Chapter 1286 Your Background Has Saved You Once


Nathan beat up the first guy that had charged towards him with one punch.

Thereafter, he soon dived into the enemy's group, moving amongst them with the speed of light.

All these warriors were usually very strong, but before Nathan, it was as if they had all transformedinto a herd of meek sheep.

Amidst Nathan's movements, there were constantly opponents that would fall before him, all whilemoaning in pain.

None of the warriors were on par with him.

Colin could not help but express his admiration. This was indeed the General of the North, the Godof War!

Ronan watched this battle, with the alcohol bottle still in his hand.

Each time Nathan took down an opponent, he would cheer and take another swig of his wine.

This exciting battle was the perfect accompaniment to alcohol.

In a blink of an eye, Nathan had already defeated more than twenty opponents.

Ronan had also downed more than half a bottle of wine and was already slightly drunk.

Bang! bang!

The final two warriors were sent flying through the air by Nathan as well.

Eventually, Craig was the only one left. He had no choice but to pounce on Nathan, with his fistsaiming towards him.

Nathan also raised his arm for a punch.


Their fists met, creating a deep yet strong sound.


Craig's right arm had been completely shattered into pieces. The shape of his arm had changedentirely, resembling that of a twisted lollipop.


Craig could not help but wail and backtrack on his steps.

Nathan had been exasperated, as the Carney family had refused to let them go, and he was alsoangry that Craig had used the Special Warfare Brigade for his personal revenge. Therefore, he didnot bother saving any energy when it came to him, as he instantly disabled Craig's arm.

At this point, Craig was in so much pain, that he was covered in perspiration. He stared at Nathanwith a conflicted look. In his eyes, one could determine shock, fear, humiliation, and a strong fury.

Nathan muttered coldly, "Initially, I wouldn't have forgiven you so easily, as your family has offendedme multiple times. However, your background has saved you once more. You can bring your menand leave now. Go back and train more. Stop embarrassing yourself out here, if you don't have theabilities required."

All the injured warriors were so embarrassed that some of them could not even bring themselves tolift their heads.

Craig's shame soon turned into anger as his left hand reached for the pistol at his waist. He simplywanted to kill Nathan.

To his misfortune, just as his hand landed on the gun, Colin aimed a gun at his head.

Colin pointed at Craig with the gun and warned him, "You'd better not play with guns in front of me,or I'll guarantee that you will digest the bullets first.

Craig stared at Colin in utter disbelief.

He was not shocked that Colin was able to pull out a gun. Rather, he was taken aback by Colin'slightning speed.

As the chief coach of the brigade, his gunwielding skills would not have been as fast as Colin's,even if he were not injured.

Craig's heart thumped repeatedly. Nathan was so agile, while his right-hand man, Colin, was clearlya shooting god.

Oh God!

Where did Nathan come from? Even his subordinate is so strong!

Nathan stared at Craig somberly, "Aren't you getting out of here yet?"

Craig was forced to move his hand away from his gun. He glared at Nathan and his group beforesaying, "Good for you, kid. However, don't grow too cocky just yet. This is not over! Just you waitand see."

With that, Craig brought his men, slipping away in embarrassment.

Colin put away his gun and watched Craig and his men leave dishevelledly. He could not help bututter to Nathan, "General, why did you release them just like that?"

Nathan admitted coolly, "They belong to the Special Warfare Brigade, and they report to GeneralWill Long. Therefore, we

still need to give our respects to General Long, meaning that we shouldn't go overboard with them."

Upon saying that, Nathan turned to glance at Ronan, exclaiming, "Moreover, we need to go to thehospital to visit your wife!"

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