Salute To The General

Chapter 1219 Do You Wish To Bring Me Harm
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Chapter 1219 Do You Wish To Bring Me Harm

"Are you okay, hubby?” Penny asked concernedly as she rushed towards Nathan.

"Nathan, I thought it was hard to escape?" Frida Hampton asked in surprise as she alsoapproached him.

The man glared at her. "Why? Do you wish I never escaped?"

Frida's face flushed at his question. "That's not what I meant. I'm just curious about how youmanaged to get away," She quickly explained.

Upon hearing that, Penny stared at him, also wondering just how he got rid of those men fromGehenna.

"I reasoned with them and convinced them with virtue," Nathan responded with a smile.

"Impossible. Those people have an incredibly high EQ. They're feared in Brimmopolis, never mind asmall city like Channing. I find it hard to believe that they'd listen to you.”

"That's why I beat them until they became honest with me," Nathan uttered.


Penny and Frida exchanged a look with each other when they heard this.

The former didn't know how strong Garza denning and Teneb Siel were. Because of that, thoughshe was surprised, she wasn't that shocked.

Frida, on the other hand, was blown away for a completely different reason.

She was quite knowledgeable about Gehenna and knew that the members of Ten Princes of Hellwere better than one another.

Tyler Haden, who was ranked last in Ten Princes of Hell, had beaten her from every direction.During that time, she was unable to block his attacks at all.

Yet Nathan actually took down the highly-ranked Garza Jenning and Teneb Siel? Impossible!

But he wouldn't be here if that didn't happen. I find it really hard to believe, though.

She looked at Nathan in both surprise and doubt.

Was he the one who helped me take down Tyler in the dark earlier?

She was uneasy when she thought that the man she looked down upon for living off of a womancould be an expert at combat -one that could be her savior.

At the same time, she also decided to figure out this matter. Was he really the one who had savedher?

Meanwhile, in a morgue at the funeral home.

Elijah Pierce was standing there, looking at the corpses of Garza denning and Teneb Siel. He worea black suit with a fur coat, which made his tall and sturdy figure look even more burly, just likeRyker Rue.

Seven figures were standing tall and straight behind him.

Those seven people were the remaining Ten Princes of Hell.

Further behind them, some serious-looking subordinates were standing there row after row.

It was so quiet that they could hear the sound of a needle dropping. The air seemed to be freezingas the atmosphere felt terribly heavy.

After a while, Elijah voiced out, "A week ago, my brother was wasted by other people. Tyler Hadenwas seriously injured this afternoon. And right now, the corpses of Garza Jenning and Teneb Sielare in front of me. My mood has never been as bad as it is today over the years."

The Seven Princes of Hell, as well as their subordinates, bowed their heads wordlessly.

Everyone could see how bad of a mood their Master Orcus was in right now. They didn't dare get tohis bad side.

Elijah turned to look at them. "Get ready for dinner!" He blandly ordered.

Everyone froze when they heard that. After a minute, Blacky regained his senses as he fished outhis phone to call the hotel. "Ask the chefs to prepare something for the Gehenna. We're going todine there..."


Before he could even finish speaking, Elijah kicked him harshly, and he stumbled across the room.

"The Princes of Hell have just lost three members, yet you guys are actually waiting for mealtime?Are you stupid!" He roared ferociously.

"Prepare for a battle! Wear mourning attire and bring the coffin. We'll seek revenge from Nathan!"

"Affirmative!" The Seven Princes of Hell and their subordinates replied in unison.

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