Salute To The General

Chapter 1126 The General Has Come To Brimmopolis
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Chapter 1126 The General Has Come To Brimmopolis

After listening to them, Nathan was lost in deep thought.

Colin said in a low voice, "General, it should be the work of the Lindberg family."

Penny's face instantly turned ashen as she remarked in horror, "Will they smuggle my daughter toAfrica as a hostage?"

"Don't worry. They will not send our daughter to Africa; I won't allow them to.

I'll rescue Queenie soon."

He gave Colin orders after, "Find out the person responsible for this, Queenie's whereabouts, andprepare for a rescue mission."

"Yes, sir!"novelbin

Nathan went home with Penny first to meet his parents-in-law and his cousin-in-law, Kylie.

Benson and Leah blamed themselves for losing their granddaughter. They cried frantically andhugged Penny while Kylie comforted them.

Not long after, Colin made a call to report to Nathan that it was indeed the Lindberg family ofBrimmopolis who kidnapped Queenie.

Nathan followed up with a question, "Where's my daughter now?"

Colin replied, "Hugh and his men wounded Thunderstorm and Waves. They then took Young Misson their family's private plane, and they're currently on their way back to Brimmopolis.”

After Colin said this, he lowered his voice deliberately and whispered a suggestion to Nathan,"General, if the fighter jets of Channing Military District take off now, they should be able to catch up

with the Lindbergs' private plane and intercept them in midair—"

Nathan raised his hand and chimed in, "No. It'd be too dangerous. I can't let my daughter take therisk. She is safe in the meantime. The Lindbergs just abducted her to Brimmopolis, so there's noreason to take the risk of midair interception. In that case, arrange a private plane for me. I want topick up my daughter from Lindberg's residence in Brimmopolis myself and teach them a lesson."

"Yes, sir!"

Penny planned to follow Nathan when she heard he was going to Brimmopolis to pick their daughterfrom Lindberg's residence in person.

But he asked her to accompany her parents at home as they were emotionally unstable, and hewas worried about them. So, he asked everyone not to worry and told them he'll be back withQueenie soon.

A commanding officer's private plane propelled into the sky from Channing Military district airport inthe afternoon.

Night fell after a few hours of flying, and the private plane finally arrived in Brimmopolis, where thecity lights were all well-lit.

When Nathan's plane came to Brimmopolis' airspace, five fighter jets whizzed toward it, and it wasaccompanied by escort flight.

After knowing the God of War's return, Brimmopolis' officials prepared the grandest welcome for hisarrival.

Nathan's private plane safely arrived at Brimmopolis International airport in no time.

The military had already taken over the area around the airport.

There were more than a hundred honor guards lined up neatly at the entrance of the airport.

Furthermore, there were thousands of heavily armed military soldiers around. They stood on guardwith excited expressions on their faces as they watched the private plane land slowly.

Nathan made his way down the aircraft's stairs after he had exited the plane. His black combatboots creaked with every step he took.

There were thousands of soldiers lined up in square formations; everyone looked at him inadoration.

He was the youngest God of War and the top general in the country.

"Music!" The captain of the honor guards commanded loudly.

Military music immediately sounded. All the soldiers' movements were neat and uniform as theylifted their hands to salute and shout in unison, "Welcome to Brimmopolis, Sir!"

Nathan strode across the red carpet with Colin and the Elite Eight, and then he reciprocated thesoldiers' salute on the scene.

As he walked, he remained stoic and questioned Colin, "Didn't you tell the officials of Brimmopolis tokeep a low profile?"

Colin answered with a wry smile, "Yes, I did. But it seems like they didn't get the message."

It was a pretty high profile for a welcome ceremony!

He was greeted by honor guards and thousands of soldiers. Moreover, soldiers had been deployedto guard the surrounding of the airport.

Countless numbers of people were standing around the airport in bright-colored attire.

These people were either the heads of prominent families or the bosses of large corporations.

All these influential and powerful individuals gathered together spontaneously after hearing a rumorabout the general's arrival to Brimmopolis today. They all rushed over to welcome him.

All these individuals wanted to get acquainted with him as it'd be the greatest honor if they couldinvite him to their household for a meal.

The Lindberg family Matriarch brought a few prominent family members along with her and waitedanxiously with the heads of the other families outside the airport.

The Matriarch stared into the airport with eager expectations and mumbled, "General of the North.The God of War. If we could make the general take an extra glimpse at us, our journey all the wayhere will be worthwhile."

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