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Chapter 942

“Hello, who’s calling?” A hoarse voice answered the phone.

“It’s James. I’m in the North now and I need you to do me a favor.” James stated his purpose plainly.

Mr. Walker let out a small noise of pleasant surprise.

“Hahaha, James! I’ve wanted to go drinking with you for a while now, but I haven’t been able to leave

the Northern Borders. What’s up? What kind of favor are you looking for?”

“I’m in Harvin City right now and I need to find someone in an underground cavern in Mount Arclens.

“I called to ask whether I might be able to borrow some equipment from you,” James explained his

intentions to Mr. Walker.

“You’re in Harvin City now? I’ll come meet up with you. You can tell me what exactly you need face-to-


The Centurion guarded the Northern Borders, and Harvin City was located in the North. It was only a

two-hour drive between the city and the military region.


“Alright, I’ll see you later.”

“See you.”

James hung up the phone.

Then, he took out a cigarette and lit it.

He let his body sink into the sofa.

As he lay comfortably, he thought back to the events of the day as well as what Thea had told him.

Assuming that his grandfather was telling the truth, and his rampage on the Caden household thirty

years ago due to his Energy Deviation was a result of a sudden ambush, then who could be the

possible suspects?

Did his grandfather tell this to Thea on purpose?

James scrunched his face in annoyance as he found himself unable to draw a proper conclusion.

Meanwhile, outside the door…

Maxine and Thea left their rooms at almost the same time and walked towards James’ door.

Thea looked at Maxine quizically. “What’s up? Do you also need to see James?”novelbin


Maxine nodded and said gravely, “A couple of things seemed strange to me, so I came here to discuss

them with him.”

Thea raised an eyebrow. “What’s strange?”

“We should continue this inside.”

Maxine chose not to elaborate further, and knocked on James’ door.

Soon, the door opened.

James looked at the two ladies and held the door open for them. “Come in.”

The two walked inside together.

Inside the room, James asked, “What’s the matter?”

Maxine glanced at Thea uneasily and began to choose her words carefully. “James, I think there are a

couple of odd things that don’t make any sense in this matter.”

James looked at Maxine and asked, “What do you mean?”

Maxine said, “There are supposed to be only a few people that know that you’ve unlocked the secret of

the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside's Edge. This includes my grandfather, Cynthia, me, and yourself.

Considering this fact, how did the Gu Devil get wind of this and lure you to Mount Arclens by capturing

Thomas and Thea?”

James narrowed his eyes after hearing Maxine's analysis. She was right. Something did not make


It was Maxine that finally cracked the code hidden in the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside's Edge after

James absorbed Cynthia's Cold Energy.

Maxine licked her lips and continued, “Also, there’s too much we aren’t aware about your grandfather,

Thomas Caden. How does he know about the painting's secret and specifically went to look for the

Sacred Fire Fig?”

James now looked at her with a frown and asked, “What are you suggesting?”

“The key to the ancient chest unearthed from the Prince of Orchid’s mountain tomb was acquired by

Scarlett. Immediately after that, she gave it to you. Logically, you should have been the first person to

have opened the ancient chest and seen the 18-meridian diagram. Apart from you, very few have even

gotten a glimpse at it. It makes no sense for Thomas to have seen it during this time, so how does he

know about the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge’s secret? What drove him to search for the Sacred

Fire Fig?”

James asked, “So?”

Maxine continued explaining carefully, “This suggests that Thomas must have already known about the

meridian diagram from the ancient chest long ago. He already had his hands on the ancient chest

decades prior to this and deliberately orchestrated the grave robbery.”

Thea quickly shot down her speculation. “What are you saying, Maxine? He’s already dead. Why are

you trying to drive a wedge between James and his late grandfather?”

Maxine side-eyed her and snippily replied, “I’m not trying to drive a wedge between them. I was simply

postulating the fact that there were things that didn’t fall in like with the situation. Perhaps…”

She paused, hesitating for a moment, before saying, “Perhaps Thomas is already aware that James

now knows he’s alive, so he deliberately put on a show. He wants everyone to think he is dead for real

this time. Who knows what he’s scheming behind the scenes again?”

James looked at Thea and asked, “Thea, is this true?”

“Honey, don’t listen to her nonsense! Your grandfather isn’t like that.”

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