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Chapter 872

While eating, Maxine asked James if he had any new discoveries. However, James shook his head.

Maxine did not question him further.

After James finished eating, she took the cutleries and left.

In the Cadens’ courtyard…

As Maxine was walking out of the basement, she saw Tobias who was sitting in the gazebo not too far

away. She walked over to him and greeted, “Grandpa.”

Tobias nodded slightly and asked, “How’s James?”

Maxine briefly hesitated before shaking her head and saying, “There’s nothing much going on with him.

However, the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge is really intriguing, and the meridian diagram is simply

bizarre. We found that forcing True Energy to move in a retrograde motion would only cause harm to

our bodies. Hence, we’re still stuck.”

Tobias ordered, “Watch James closely. Report to me the moment he discovers something.”


At that moment, Maxine finally understood that Tobias had sent her to the basement not to learn but to

watch James’ every move.

She promptly left.

Soon after, Tobias left as well.

After putting the cutleries in the kitchen, Maxine returned to the basement once again.

The moment she returned to the basement, she saw James performing some weird movements.

Puzzled, she asked, “What are you doing, James?”

James was standing on one leg with his hands behind his head.

As his injuries had yet to fully recover, it was rather difficult for him to do such a difficult movement.

Panting, James sat down and rested. “I’m trying out the poses of the human figures on the ancient

scroll. I thought I might learn something new.”

Maxine asked, “Well, did you?”

James shook his head. “Not yet. By the way, has your True Energy returned?”

Maxine nodded. “Not completely, but I should be fine.”

“Good, let’s continue with our session.”


Maxine did not refuse.

James removed his outer garments so that Maxine could insert the needles into his body. However, this

time, Maxine’s True Energy was completely depleted after only four needles.

“Alright, you may remove them.”

Maxine did as she was told.

James moved his arm a little. He was feeling much better now. As his body had regained some of its

strength, he was no longer as weak as before.

If this continued, he would return to his peak form in just half a month.

“By the way, if you see Tobias, inform him that I intend to stay in the underground basement for a fewnovelbin

more days till I fully regain my strength.”

“Got it.”

“You didn’t snitch on me, right?”

Maxine looked at James and shook her head. “I promised you I wouldn’t tell a single soul. Don’t worry.”

“Good. Let’s continue our examination of the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge. I want you to share

your opinion on the matter.”

Hearing this, Maxine looked at the ancient scroll and the painting on the floor. After brief contemplation,

she said, “I think, to unravel the secret behind the painting, we should start with its content. I believe

that our main focus should be on the full moon and the white flower beneath it.”

James nodded. “A reasonable suggestion. However, apart from the oddness of the full moon, I don’t

see any other peculiarities.”

“Let’s talk about the flower, then.” Maxine pointed at the flower above the wooden house and said,

“This flower doesn’t make sense either. It doesn’t have any twigs or petals, and it seems to appear out

of nowhere.”

James asked, “What does it represent? What is it trying to say?”

Maxine shook her head. “I don’t know. This is just too baffling. In the modern world, each flower carries

a different meaning. In most cases, they represent the feeling of affection between lovers. However,

this hypothesis can’t be applied to a setting from thousands of years ago…”

Then, realization dawned on her.

“Though it’s daytime in the painting, there’s a full moon in the sky. This could be a representation of

Yin-Yang. Men are Yang, and women are Yin. And the flower… it could represent love… Could it be

that the secret requires a man and a woman to solve it?”

Hearing this, James’ face lit up.

He stared at the ancient scroll’s 18-meridian diagram.

Then, he tried separating the eighteen diagrams into two groups of nine.

It was then that James realized the poses of the first and the tenth human figures corresponded with

one another. The two diagrams were a perfect match.

“I understand now.”

James’ expression was one of epiphany.

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