
Chapter 13
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Chapter 13

"..really? did you know that Jungkook told us not to lay our hands on you?"

Jimin's voice repeated in my head like a continuous drum, and I'm unable to let go. There was so muchbehind those words that he revealed to me, I just didn't know what to feel about it.

I've answered his question with a no. However, his expression seemed mildly surprised, as if it wasalready obvious that me and Jungkook were a thing. The truth is, however, we despised each other - orI thought we were supposed to.

I am left confused and lost by those very words since that day, avoiding Jungkook as much as I could.But it proved to be difficult, especially when he's especially good at manipulating the situation to hisside.

"Will the vice president and president please set up the laboratory for the next class?" the teacher eyedme and Jungkook, a pleading look on her face.novelbin

"great..." I mumbled curse words to myself as I made my way outside the class, his larger figurefollowing closely behind. I could even feel my back tense up against his presence.

"Hey," Jungkook started, pushing me against the wall of the laboratory. "What's with the avoiding?"

I could tell he was madly frustrated , his bottom lip twitching with emotion. His eyes pierced through melike a glacier, and I couldn't look away.

Before I could muster up an answer, he leans his head onto my shoulder, limping onto my body closely.I feel his breath against my neck, and it sent me tingles.

"As i thought, I've made you hate me."

There was a tone of sadness in his voice. And due to that, I felt my heart go weak.

"That's not-....I don't hate you, I really don't."

"then why did you avoid me?"

"because I was suddenly conscious of you-"

I paused immediately after realizing what I've blurted out. Jungkook slowly parted from me, a cheekysmile sneaking up the corner of his lips.

He was acting all along.

"You-" I said with a pitch higher than normal, feeling tricked by what he pulled on me. Jungkook wantedto get a honest answer out of me, and he had attacked my vulnerable side.

"So, you have the hots for me now?" Jungkook stated with a victorious look on his face. He seemedoverjoyed and satisfied by my answer.

"Shut up." At this point, I've lost my normal sense of composure, feeling my face heat up. If I was atarget, he's hit the bullseye. Nothing less expected from Jeon Jungfuck.

Jungkook observes my flushed face carefully, taking in every expression I was making. The look in hiseyes softened as I stared at my reflection on his irises. Slowly, he snakes a hand behind my back andpushed me against him.

I closed my eyes and welped when he plants a soft kiss on my cheek, his hand firmly holding onto myhips. When he finally let go, I was left in a confused but flustered mess.

"It's now my territory. I left a mark." He states with a smirk, loosening his necktie as he leans onto oneof the tables. He had kissed over the area where Jimin once laid his lips on.

"You can't just....claim me as yours, you imbecile nugget." I kicked him lightly, causing him to break outin soft chuckles.

He was probably driven by jealousy that I was all over Jimin - but I didn't want to say for sure, the lastthing I wanted to assume was Jungkook having any sort of feelings for me.

"What?" I shot him a glare when he wrapped his legs around my waist as he sat on the table, trying tocatch my attention. He pulls me against him again, and I stumbled onto his broad chest.

Since my hands held onto his thighs for support, I couldn't help but notice his bulky muscles twitchingunderneath my hand. Damn, daddy thighs.

I shook off my thoughts when Jungkook starts to wrap his arms around me, trapping me into anembrace, he enjoys my reactions as he rests his forehead on mine.

"Can you stop hugging me for no absolute reason?" I pushed his chest away, but he comes evencloser and nuzzles me.

"Can't help it, I just really want to hold you all the damn time." He whispers into my neck, his lipspressed firmly on my exposed collarbone.

I gave up resisting and the two of us stayed in this position for a few more minutes , held in eachother's arms. I witnessed his ear turning scarlet red as he hugged me softly.

"Soojung." he calls me.


"Actually, I wanted to ask you something for a while now, but I don't know if you'd do it for me..." hepulls away to face me, a tint of blush on his cheeks. I felt his hand rubbing my arm, and his shaky voice

indicating how nervous he was.

"The truth is, my mother wants me to attend a marriage party."

"what?" I'm not sure the words that left his mouth processed completely in my head. He's going to havea fiancé.

"So, I was thinking." Jungkook caressed the side of my face gently, his eyes twinkling with hope. Heexamines my disappointed reaction and smiles a little.

"Can you attend as my pretend girlfriend?"

A/N: honestly I was really unsatisfied by this chapter. I'm apologetic to the eyes who had to read this. Ihope the next one is better.

Because I planned alot of scandalous scenes. ?

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