
Chapter 12
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Chapter 12

"piss off, I'm feeling warm." I aggressively pushed Jungkook off my body, in which he responded bypulling me back further into a tighter embrace.

Junglecock has taken advantage of my situation, insisting he'll leave me in the dark alone if I didn'tsacrifice myself as a makeshift pillow for him.

Although I clearly didn't have a phobia, I am a woman. And the last thing a girl would do is to reject theoffer of a hot man's touch, regardless the situation.

He smells so fucking good. I tried to fight off my blush as his arms made their way around my torso, hisparted lips releasing soft breaths that hit my skin and sending tingles down my spine. Jungkook wassound asleep, comfortably in my arms.

Tonight was way too crazy. We've all gotten dead drunk, and now we're cuddling like a newlywed onbed. What's next, a honeymoon scene? I've clearly been influenced by the R-21 that blasted on thescreen earlier. Get your holy water, Soojung.

My thoughts were fully interrupted when Jungkook suddenly shifts me, so his face was buried deep inthe nape of my neck. I felt a soft texture pressing against my skin - his lips. He seems to be nibblingsoftly, down towards my chest. Fuck.

"J-jungkook." I pleaded softly, shaking his arms to wake him up. But he seems to still be in a trance, hismouth travelling around my skin like it's a seeker for lust. I gasped when he started sucking lightly onthe area below my ear, and I was sensitive. I gripped his sleeves in shock, my senses sending medangerous signals.

"Stop, or I'll kick you where the sun doesn't shine." I glared at him, and his eyes twinkled withamusement. He chuckles softly, running a thumb over my bottom lip.

"soon, I'll place my lips somewhere else." Jungkook declares, all the while eyeing intensely at my lips.

The rest of the night was spent cuddling into his huge chest, and for whatever feelings that possessedus that night, I didn't question it. It just felt so right. And we exchanged no words.

When I awoke, Jungkook had already left my side, the bed unusually emptier than before. I rubbed myeyes and straightened my tousled hair , trying to make sense of the daylight that shrouded my vision.

In the corner of my eyes I spotted Jungkook's shirt from the previous night, thrown onto the bed. Hemust've changed in the room while I was sleeping. Scandalous, but we literally did nothing excepthugging.

And it was when I looked closely further into the room that I noticed a figure, making it's way towardsme.

"you were all wrapped up like a burrito, that's cute." He lets out a small chuckle, his bunny teethshowing clearly. I felt my heart being pierced by the sudden adorableness.

But it wasn't long before I was attacked again, for another reason. Jungkook had showered. I couldn'ttake my thirsty eyes off his dampened hair and the towel that was slung over his shoulders. For somereason, he just looked so unbearably sexy.novelbin

And as if it wasn't bad enough, he climbs onto the bed, next to me with a smirk. I averted his eyeswhen he started rubbing the back of his neck, the fabric of his tight white shirt stretching over hisprominent biceps. Rude, rude, rude.

"I swear to god, I'm never drinking again." I ruffled my hair in frustration, the thoughts of yesterdayflowing through my mind. When I want it all to be a dream, I was painfully reminded that it was reality.

"Didn't know you liked me that much. Shocking." he teased, propping an elbow on the bed and staringat me with a smug smirk.

I rolled my eyes at him, indicating that the regular Soojung is back. With that I gathered myself togetherand kicked the blankets off, making my way casually to his bathroom to wash up.


"babe, pass me the bucket please?" Jimin shoots me a smirk, combing his hair back as he did.

Me and Jimin was assigned to clean Jungkook's posh-looking sports car. Since we crashed at hishouse, we couldn't reject the favour.

I hesitantly handed him the bucket full of water, trying my best to fight off the blush that made their wayto my cheeks. God, thank you for your reward today.

When I said reward, I literally meant, reward. For my eyes.

Jimin was clad in one of Jungkook's button down white shirts, the sleeves rolled up his arms. He hadloosened the top few buttons so his bare collarbone showed through nicely. Not to mention, hisdelicious torso in full view with the wet shirt sticking close to his skin.

I stared - or drooled, at the sight, his hair also damp and combed back messily from his habit. If this isheaven, then I'm not afraid to die.

Jimin, on the other hand, would occasionally steal glances at me. The both of us was dressed in lesserfabric than usual, so the exchanging of stares was common. Especially when I remembered that hekissed my cheek yesterday, my heart was sent into a pounding mess.

Jimin looks like he realized my inner thoughts as well, thus he begun to purposefully do rude gesturesin order to gain my attention. It did, alright.

"Soojung, where did you sleep last night?" he asks, dumping some water on his body to clean off thesoap that lathered onto his shirt.

"I-um..." I answered, obviously distracted by the water running down his abdomen.

"It's alright if you don't answer. I know where you slept, anyway." he smirks slightly, leaning onto thebonnet of the car. His eyes were half shut and his gaze was fixed onto me.

Jimin lifted his shirt, rolling it up and squeezing the excess water out of it. I gulped at his actions, if thisisn't sexy I didn't know what to describe it. Is he trying to seduce me?

"I want to ask you something, though...." he trailed off, and I snapped out of my trance.

The both of us stood silently, staring down each other. I was frozen in position, since I was too shy toeven open my mouth to say anything at all.

"Soojung.." his expression changes into seriousness, drops of water trickling down his face anddropping off at the jaw.

"Are you perhaps dating Jungkook?"

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