Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 575 Block the Whole Country!
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Chapter 575 Block the Whole Country!

Expect Marital Artists from Country J, the Martial Artists from all over the world discussed Finn.

Only the Martial Artists from Country J was quiet at the moment.

It was not because they didn't know that Finn had rescued Wendy. They had already known everything

half an hour ago when the Warriors' League had shown the photos.

However, at this moment, they didn't know what to say.

There was no doubt that Finn had insulted all warriors of the martial arts world in Country J.

At this moment, all the Martial Artist in Country J felt humiliated.novelbin

There were countless masters in Country J, but, in this case, Finn also saved Wendy.

Moreover, he not only saved Wendy but also killed two higher ninjas of the QS Chamber of Commerce

and around one hundred elites.

What a humiliation it was!

It was at midnight, but an underground base located in the suburb of Country J was still brightly lit.

At this moment, in the hall of the base, many leaders of Country J had gathered. Hanzo Miyamoto the

leader of Miyamoto's Family, was among them.

"Hanzo? Don't you have anything to say?" After a long silence, an elder in black sitting on the top seat

glanced at Hanzo. Since Hanzo entered the base, he was silent.

"It's my fault. I underestimated that bastard," Hanzo took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"Humph, is it useful to apologize now? Marco's family is dead. "On the left side of the elder in black, a

man in a kimono complained. It had been about eight years since the Country J last saw such a big

clan being exterminated.

But this time, because of the matter of the QS Chamber of Commerce, Marco's Family was completely


"Master is not satisfied with you, Hanzo!" The elder in black frowned and looked at Hanzo. "He wants

you to eliminate the impact on Country J as soon as possible."


The master was the third leader of the Hidden People's s Association and one of the six Grandmasters

in Country J.

At that time, both the 1st leader and the 2nd leaders of the Hidden People's s Association were

training; the 3rd leaders were the supreme man in the Hidden People's s Association!

Nobody could disobey his words!

"Hidden People's s Association will cooperate with you this time."

"The third leader has issued an order to stop all the airports and block the whole country for two days.

If Finn wants to leave Country J, he has to take the ship."

"In the next two days, all the SZ Group members and RH Group members will search all the place in

Country J."

"Remember, you only have two days. Within two days, you must find out Finn and kill him in the

Country J!"

"If you can't kill him, you can kill yourself." The elder in black glanced coldly at Hanzo. This matter was

caused by Hanzo, so he should solve it.

"Yes, sir!"

With the extreme tension, Hanzo immediately accepted the order respectfully.

It had to be said that he couldn't believe the Hidden People's Association would provide so much

support for him.

The whole country had been blocked for two days. And all the members of the SZ Group and the RH

Group had been sent out. They used the whole country's power to find Finn.

In this case, if Finn still escaped, he had no choice but suicide.

As the meeting ended, the whole Country J fell into a state of high vigilance.

More than 100 thousand SZ Group members and the RH Group began to search Finn in the whole


During this time, the members' main investigation locations were all the ports because the airport of

Country J had been blocked. If Finn wanted to leave, he could only take the ship.

The Sz Group and the RH Group searched the whole city, and Hanzo was also not idle. He directly

came to the Warriors' League.

When he arrived at the Warriors' League, he didn't enter. Instead, he just waited quietly there.

A few minutes, a black figure appeared to Hanzo. "My Lord, Wendy came here in half an hour, but that

bastard was not with her."

"Are you sure?" Hanzo asked sullenly. In his mind, Finn was likely to leave Country J through the

Warriors' League.

"I'm sure not. The two people who came here with Wendy at that time were two employees in the

Warriors' League. They have been here for five years, and I know them." The black figure said


"Did they say where that bastard is?" Hanzo asked unwillingly.

"No." The black figure added, "Lord, someone from Warriors' League come here to take Wendy back.

Should we stop her?"

"Let her go!"

Before the black figure could finish his words, Ben interrupted him.

If Finn was together with Wendy, he could stop Wendy. However, Finn was not. If he stopped Wendy at

that time, he would declare war to country C's martial arts world.

Besides, if Finn was smart enough, he wouldn't tell Wendy about his track.

Therefore, even if he stopped Wendy, he couldn't get any information from Wendy. On the contrary, the

field of martial arts in Country J would be condemned again.

After Hanzo gave the order, many Ninjas, who hid near the Warriors' League, retreated immediately.

Wendy boarded the Warriors' League's helicopter safely.

When Wendy boarded the plane, Martin typed a message and sent it out.

Soon, the news about the blockade of Country J was spread to the Forum on Martial Arts.

The martial arts world was shocked again!

They not only shocked the rapid response of Country J but also shocked its deployment.

The airport was closed, and the whole area was blocked. All the members of the SZ Group and the RH

Group were sent out.

It could be called the strength of the whole country to kill Finn!

"Finn is doomed!"

"Yes, you are right. He will surely die!"

The Martial Artist all over the world began to express their opinions about this matter. Nobody thought

that Finn could be alive.

If he could be alive, it must be a miracle.

"Guess how Finn will escape the Country J?"

"What else can he do? He must be on a ship. All the airports in Country J have been paused, and the

borderline also has been blocked by someone. In this case, if he wants to escape Country J, he can

only take the ship. "

"Humph! Is that Finn a fool? He must know what we think. Do you think he doesn't know Martial Artists

are waiting for him in the port? "

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